Download Oreilly – Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829) 2023-7

Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)


Java SE 17 Developer Course (1Z0-829). This comprehensive video training course will accompany you on the way to learn and practice for the Java 1Z0-829 exam. The importance of Java certification is now more than ever and the “Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)” training course offers you the perfect path to succeed in obtaining this certification. With more than 20 hours of instruction, this video course focuses on key exam concepts and will help you improve your Java programming skills in addition to preparation for the exam.

Oracle Java certification is the industry standard for measuring Java programming skills. This course is paced at a reasonable pace and includes knowledge-enhancing reviews of key points of important topics. Course topics are organized around published test objectives so you can assess your progress. At the end of each lesson, there is a section titled “In-Depth Review Questions” which is designed based on the actual exam format. This section will help you to familiarize yourself with the way questions are asked in the exam and gain more confidence before participating in it.

Note: To pass this course, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of Java programming and object-oriented design concepts. This course will build on your previous knowledge.

What you will learn in the Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829) course

  • Working with Java data types
  • Program flow control and error management
  • Object oriented approach in Java
  • Working with arrays and collections
  • Working with Streams and Lambda Expressions
  • Java platform modular system
  • Concurrency
  • Database applications with JDBC and Java I/O
  • Localization in Java SE applications

This course is suitable for people who

  • Programmers who intend to take the Oracle 1Z0-829 Java 17 Developer exam.
  • Anyone looking to improve their Java programming skills.

Course details

  • Publisher: Oreilly
  • teacher: Simon Roberts
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 21 hours 41 minutes

Course headings

  • Introduction
    1. Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829): Introduction
  • Module 1: Working with Java Data Types
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 1: Operations and core data types
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 1.1 Java operators – part 1
    3. 1.2 Java operators – part 2
    4. 1.3 Promotions
    5. 1.4 Casting
    6. 1.5 Wrapper classes
    7. 1.6 Primitives, references, and aliasing
    8. 1.7 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 2: Handling text
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 2.1 String and StringBuilder
    3. 2.2 Methods of the String class
    4. 2.3 Text blocks
    5. 2.4 Methods of the StringBuilder class
    6. 2.5 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 3: The date-time API
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 3.1 Date-time API foundations – part 1
    3. 3.2 Date-time API foundations – part 2
    4. 3.3 Manipulating date-time objects
    5. 3.4 Time-zone considerations – part 1
    6. 3.5 Time-zone considerations – part 2
    7. 3.6 Time-zone considerations – part 3
    8. 3.7 Question deep dive
  • Module 2: Controlling Program Flow and Exception Handling
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 4: Fundamentals of flow control
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 4.1 Simple loops
    3. 4.2 Control using break and continue
    4. 4.3 Using if/else statements
    5. 4.4 Using switch statements
    6. 4.5 The arrow form of switch
    7. 4.6 Expressions with switches
    8. 4.7 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 5: Flow control with exceptions
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 5.1 Flow control with try/catch/finally
    3. 5.2 Flow control with try-with-resources
    4. 5.3 Multi-catch and rethrowing
    5. 5.4 Implementing AutoCloseable – part 1
    6. 5.5 Implementing AutoCloseable – part 2
    7. 5.6 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 6: Custom exceptions
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 6.1 Subclassing Throwable types
    3. 6.2 Question deep dive
  • Module 3: Java Object-Oriented Approach
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 7: Class definition, and reachability
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 7.1 Source files and basic type declarations
    3. 7.2 Nested type declarations
    4. 7.3 Inner class declarations – part 1
    5. 7.4 Inner class declaration – part 2
    6. 7.5 Local and anonymous class declarations
    7. 7.6 Reachability analysis
    8. 7.7 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 8: Defining class contents
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 8.1 Instance and static fields – part 1
    3. 8.2 Instance and static fields – part 2
    4. 8.3 Instance and static methods – part 1
    5. 8.4 Instance and static methods – part 2
    6. 8.5 Variable length argument handling
    7. 8.6 Overloaded and overridden methods – part 1
    8. 8.7 Overloaded and overridden methods – part 2
    9. 8.8 Defining records
    10. 8.9 Features of records
    11. 8.10 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 9: Initialization of objects
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 9.1 Static initialization
    3. 9.2 Instance initialization
    4. 9.3 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 10: Scope, encapsulation, and immutability
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 10.1 Rules of scope
    3. 10.2 Access control modifiers
    4. 10.3 Encapsulation requirements
    5. 10.4 Immutability requirements
    6. 10.5 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 11: Local variable type inference
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 11.1 Using var for regular variables
    3. 11.2 Additional uses and restrictions of var
    4. 11.3 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 12: Implementation inheritance
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 12.1 Subclass declaration
    3. 12.2 Subclass initialization
    4. 12.3 Abstract class constraints
    5. 12.4 Sealed type hierarchies
    6. 12.5 Special cases in sealed type hierarchies
    7. 12.6 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 13: Working with polymorphism
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 13.1 Object and reference type
    3. 13.2 Pattern matching in instanceof
    4. 13.3 Additional topics in pattern-matched instanceof
    5. 13.4 Possible and impossible casts
    6. 13.5 Virtual method invocation
    7. 13.6 Covariant returns
    8. 13.7 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 14: Interfaces
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 14.1 Interfaces, methods and functional interfaces
    3. 14.2 Interface implementation
    4. 14.3 Default resolution method
    5. 14.4 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 15: Enumerations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 15.1 Enum values ​​and initialization
    3. 15.2 Enum fields and methods
    4. 15.3 Question deep dive
  • Module 4: Working with Arrays and Collections
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 16: Generics and generic declarations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 16.1 Fundamentals of generics
    3. 16.2 Declaring generic types and methods
    4. 16.3 Using bounds and wildcards
    5. 16.4 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 17: Java core collections
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 17.1 Arrays, and methods of Collection, List, and Set – part 1
    3. 17.2 Arrays, and methods of Collection, List, and Set – part 2
    4. 17.3 Methods of Deque and Map
    5. 17.4 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 18: Comparator, Comparable, and ordering
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 18.1 Comparison methods and interfaces
    3. 18.2 Sorting arrays and collections
    4. 18.3 Comparator factories and decorators
    5. 18.4 Question deep dive
  • Module 5: Working with Streams and Lambda Expressions
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 19: Defining lambda expressions
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 19.1 Lambda expression syntax variations
    3. 19.2 Lambda expression contexts
    4. 19.3 Core functional interfaces
    5. 19.4 Method references
    6. 19.5 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 20: Fundamental Stream operations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 20.1 The monad-like methods
    3. 20.2 Stream utilities
    4. 20.3 Simple terminal methods and laziness
    5. 20.4 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 21: Reduction operations, and parallelism
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 21.1 Collection and reduction – part 1
    3. 21.2 Collection and reduction – part 2
    4. 21.3 Grouping and partitioning with collectors
    5. 21.4 Downstream operations with collectors
    6. 21.5 Parallel stream operation
    7. 21.6 Question deep dive
  • Module 6: Java Platform Module System
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 22: Building and executing modules
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 22.1 Module compilation
    3. 22.2 Module execution
    4. 22.3 Question Deep Dive
  • Lesson 23: Coding modules
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 23.1 Exports and requirements directives
    3. 23.2 The Directives provides, uses, opens and opens
    4. 23.3 Question Deep Dive
  • Lesson 24: Migration, and command line operations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 24.1 Project Migration – Part 1
    3. 24.2 Project Migration – Part 2
    4. 24.3 Command-line utilities
    5. 24.4 Question Deep Dive
  • Module 7: Concurrency
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 25: Create and execute threads
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 25.1 Runnable and Thread
    3. 25.2 ExecutorService and Future
    4. 25.3 ExecutorService lifecycle – part 1
    5. 25.4 ExecutorService lifecycle – part 2
    6. 25.5 Question Deep Dive
  • Lesson 26: Thread-safe code, locking, and synchronization
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 26.1 Race conditions, deadlock, and livelock
    3. 26.2 Transactional integrity
    4. 26.3 Visibility
    5. 26.4 Concurrent queues and collections
    6. 26.5 Synchronizers, locks, and atomic types – part 1
    7. 26.6 Synchronizers, locks, and atomic types – part 2
    8. 26.7 Question Deep Dive
  • Module 8: Database Applications with JDBC, and Java IO
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 27: Working with databases
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 27.1 Making the connection
    3. 27.2 Statement and ResultSet
    4. 27.3 PreparedStatement
    5. 27.4 Question deep dive
  • Lesson 28: Fundamental IO operations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 28.1 Input and Output streams, Reader and Writer
    3. 28.2 BufferedReader, PrintWriter, Scanner and Charset conversions
    4. 28.3 Question Deep Dive
  • Lesson 29: Java serialization
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 29.1 Default serialization
    3. 29.2 Customizing serialization
    4. 29.3 Question Deep Dive
  • Lesson 30: Files, Path, and Channel
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 30.1 Files methods – part 1
    3. 30.2 Files methods – part 2
    4. 30.3 Working with Channel
    5. 30.4 Question Deep Dive
  • Module 9: Localization in Java SE Applications
    1. Module introduction
  • Lesson 31: Localization
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 31.1 Parsing, formatting, and localization
    3. 31.2 ResourceBundle and data lookup
    4. 31.3 Question Deep Dive
  • Summary
    1. Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829): Summary

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