Download Academind – Deno – The Complete Introduction 2020-7

Deno - The Complete Introduction


Deno – The Complete Introduction is the Deno Run Time System training course published by Academind. Dino is a new and unique runtime for the JavaScript programming language, developed by the original creator of NodeJS, Ryan Dahl. In the changing world of technology, programming and web development, Dino can be the next revolution and completely change the process of web design and development. Dino is a JavaScript runtime similar to NodeJ, which does not have many of the flaws and problems of NodeJS and offers better performance. This training course is completely project-oriented and all the topics introduced will be explained in the form of projects and practical examples.

The programs developed and the programming process in Dino are not much different from NodeJS, and you can do everything you do with NodeJS more easily and better with Dino. Among the most important features and strengths of Dino compared to NodeJS are high security and the use of a powerful access level system, support for modern features of the JavaScript programming language such as asynchronous programming and promises, full support for Typescript does not require any additional compilers and interpreters, full support for ES modules and no need for local node_modules.

What you will learn in Deno – The Complete Introduction course:

  • Dino and its strengths and advantages compared to NodJS
  • Key topics and Dino software core
  • Working with Runtime APIs
  • Deno standard library
  • Build a fast web server with Deno
  • Use of additional modules
  • Quick and easy web server creation with Oak framework
  • Quick connection of Oak to the database
  • Server-side rendering of HTML codes with Templating Engines and Deno

Course details

Publisher: Academind
teacher: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 103
Training duration: 9 hours and 10 minutes

Course headings

Getting started

Optional: JavaScript Refresher & TypeScript Introduction

Understanding Core APIs

Working with the Standard Library & Creating our First Web Server

Improving our Development Workflow & Debugging Deno

Working with “Oak” & Dynamic Templates

Understanding CRUD Operations & the MVC Architecture

Working with Databases

Building REST APIs with Deno

Course Roundup & Next Steps

Deno – The Complete Introduction course prerequisites

Basic JavaScript experience is required (JavaScript – The Complete Guide)

Course images

Introduction video of Deno course – The Complete Introduction

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 997 MB

Password file(s):


1.99 GB

4.6/5 – (1826 points)

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