Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development 2021-4

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development , is a comprehensive training set of Web Front-End Design and Development from the Ultimate Courses website. Today, modern web development is based on various technologies, mastering all of them seems essential to build a modern and complete website. Various languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and various libraries and frameworks based on them are among the main and widely used tools for front-end web design and development. By collecting courses related to these languages ​​as well as frameworks based on them, this educational collection is a comprehensive and complete collection for learning and mastering modern website development. During this course, you will learn about different languages ​​and libraries, from beginner to advanced.

Familiarity with the principles and basics of HTML and CSS languages ​​such as grammar, types of elements such as content, part, form and media, style and font, new techniques in CSS3 and many others, as well as beginner to advanced JavaScript language training including Basics, types of variables and functions, DOM, events, object orientation and many others are among the topics related to the languages ​​section of this collection. The other part will teach the React library from beginner to advanced and you will get to know the concept and architecture of components and functional components, router basics, design and styling in React and topics related to state management, CRUD operations and many others. In the next part, the complete tutorial of Angular library including module architecture, dynamic forms, Http services, performance in AngularJS and many others, as well as TypeScript language and RxJS and NGRX libraries are included.

What do you learn:

Angular framework

  • Module architecture and Lazy Loading
  • Component architecture
  • Unidirectional data flow and immutability
  • Unit testing with Karma
  • Dependency injection
  • And …

TypeScript language

  • Primitive and special variable types
  • Enums and interfaces
  • Class, attribute and inheritance
  • Modules and namespaces
  • Decorative, protective and advanced types
  • And …

RxJS library

  • Comparison of Push and Pull architectures
  • Observers and operators
  • Familiarity with Streams and HTTP Poll, Pause, Resume
  • Error management
  • Filter and transform
  • And …

NGRX library

  • Principles and architecture of Redux
  • Building a Redux store
  • Reducers and selectors
  • Topics related to router, protection and status
  • Change observers
  • And …

JavaScript language

  • Familiarity with ES2015 version and later
  • Operators and assignment
  • Types of variables such as strings, numbers and Boolean
  • Functions, Closures, Arrays and Objects
  • ES modules
  • Familiarity with DOM, nodes and elements
  • DOM access
  • Dynamic patterning
  • Work with events and forms
  • Functional and object oriented programming
  • Mutable and immutable data structures
  • Pure, Higher-Order and Lambda Functions
  • Characteristics of private methods
  • And …

React library

  • Theory and architecture of components
  • Functional components and characteristics
  • Comparison of React DOM and Browser DOM
  • Receive data from HTTP
  • Router Basics
  • State management with Hooks
  • Status architecture
  • Using Redux techniques in state management
  • CRUD operations
  • Control of asynchronous activities
  • Design and styling in React
  • And …

Efficiency and efficiency in the AngularJS framework

  • Understanding the digest cycle
  • Scope root and scope inheritance
  • Compare applyAsync and evalAsync
  • Collecting several http in one digest
  • Avoid memory leaks with destroy
  • And …

HTML + CSS language

  • Familiarity with the principles, grammar and structure of HTML and CSS
  • Project-based training along with building a real blog and designing and styling it
  • Introduction to the history of HTML and the new HTML 5
  • Types of content elements (headers, lists, links and buttons)
  • Types of section elements (header, footer, article and section)
  • Types of form elements (input and its types, forms and registration)
  • Types of media elements (sound, image and photo)
  • Determining the style of tags and files
  • Familiarity with new techniques in CSS3
  • Text font
  • Box model in CSS
  • Modern layouts like Flexbox and Grid and traditional layouts
  • And …

Specifications of All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development:

  • Publisher: Ultimate Courses™
  • teacher : Todd MottoBrian Troncone, Almero Steyn, Zach Silveira, Ruth John
  • English language
  • Education level: from elementary to advanced
  • Number of lessons: Angular Master Bundle section includes 59 + 116 + 44 + 39 + 47 + 35 + 41 lessons, JavaScript Master Bundle section includes 68 + 49 + 25 lessons, React section includes 85 + 9 + 23 lessons, AngularJS section includes 16 lessons HTML + CSS section includes 61 lessons
  • Duration: Angular Master Bundle section includes 5 + 16 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 7 hours, JavaScript Master Bundle section includes 8 + 7 + 4 hours, React section includes 13 + 2 + 3 hours, AngularJS section includes 3 hours , HTML + CSS section including 8 hours

Head of chapters of All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

Angular Master Bundle

Angular Fundamentals

Angular Pro

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

TypeScript Basics

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

TypeScript Masterclass

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

RxJS Basics

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

RxJS Masterclass

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

NGRX Store + Effects

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

JavaScript Master Bundle

JavaScript Basics

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

JavaScript DOM

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

JavaScript Masterclass

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


React Basics

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

React Styling

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

React State Management

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


AngularJS Performance

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


HTML + CSS BasicsAll Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


Images of All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

Angular Master Bundle

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

JavaScript Master Bundle

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development


All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

Sample video of All Tutorials For Front-End Web Development

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

Subtitle: None

The quality is broken down below:


  • Angular Pro
  • TypeScript Basics
  • TypeScript Masterclass
  • RxJS Basics
  • RxJS Masterclass
  • NGRX Store + Effects
  • React Basics
  • React Styling
  • AngularJS Performance


  • Angular Fundamentals
  • JavaScript Basics
  • JavaScript DOM
  • JavaScript Masterclass
  • React State Management
  • HTML + CSS Basics

download link

Angular Master Bundle

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – Angular Fundamentals 2021-4

Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – Angular Pro 2021-4

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 776 MB

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – TypeScript Basics 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – TypeScript Masterclass 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – RxJS Basics 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – RxJS Masterclass 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – NGRX Store + Effects 2021-4

JavaScript Master Bundle

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – JavaScript Basics 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – JavaScript DOM 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – JavaScript Masterclass 2021-4


Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – React Basics 2021-4

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 897 MB

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – React Styling 2021-4

Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – React State Management 2021-4


Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – AngularJS Performance 2021-4


Download Ultimate Courses – All Tutorials – HTML + CSS Basics 2021-4

Password file(s):


The volumes are listed below in ascending order and separately:

Less than 500 MB:

  • React Styling
  • AngularJS Performance
  • TypeScript Basics
  • TypeScript Masterclass

Between 500 MB and 1 GB:

  • RxJS Masterclass
  • RxJS Basics
  • React State Management
  • Angular Fundamentals
  • JavaScript Masterclass

Between 1 GB and 2 GB:

  • NGRX Store + Effects
  • HTML + CSS Basics
  • JavaScript Basics
  • JavaScript DOM

Between 2 GB and 3 GB:

4.5/5 – (9239 points)

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