Download Code with Mosh – Mastering React 2021-4

Mastering React


Mastering React , is the name of the video training collection in the field of programming and web development and in the React branch. According to the publisher of this training series, you will learn everything you need by watching this training course. Using the knowledge of React, you can create very fast, efficient and interactive web applications with very efficient solutions. Since the release of React in 2011, this library has quickly become the most popular JavaScript programming language library.

In this training course, an effort has also been made to fully teach the student how to use React by providing very efficient exercises and solutions. Also, by receiving this educational series, you can watch the training sessions according to your learning speed, and in this way, the effectiveness of this educational series will be in a very favorable condition.

Features of the Mastering React training course

Dear students, you will become an expert in the field of working with the React library by observing and learning the training, tips and techniques in this training collection, and thus you will be able to create fast and interactive web applications. Also, you dear students will have more than 200 video training sessions and more than 13 hours of video in front of you in this training course.

Details of the training course:

  • Publisher: Code with Mosh
  • Instructor: Mosh Hamedani
  • Level: Introductory to Advanced
  • Duration: 13 hours
  • Number of lessons: 220 lessons
  • English language

Mastering React Headlines

Getting Started (00:28)
1- What is React (4:32)
2- Setting Up the Development Environment (3:37)
3- Your First React App (6:33)
4- Hello World (5:25)
5- Custom Configs (3:11)
6- Full-stack Architecture (2:44)
7- Course Structure (2:24)
8- Redux?
9- Follow Me Around
10- Learning Paths

ES6 Refresher (00:48)
1 – Introduction (1:43)
2- Let vs Var vs Const (3:52)
3- Objects (2:45)
4- The this keyword (2:49)
5- Binding this (2:36)
6- Arrow Functions (4:15)
7- Arrow Functions and this (4:14)
8- Method (3:36)
9- Object Destructuring (2:29)
10- Spread Operator (4:02)
11- Classes (3:45)
12- Inheritance (4:03)
13- Modules (4:11)
14- Named and Default Exports (5:15)

Components (01:17)
1- Introduction (1:38)
2- Setting Up the Project (2:06)
3- Your First React Component (5:20)
4- Specifying Children (4:16)
5- Embedding Expressions (4:50)
6- Setting Attributes (5:45)
7- Rendering Classes Dynamically (4:18)
8 – Rendering Lists (3:58)
9- Conditional Rendering (6:04)
10- Handling Events (2:49)
11- Binding Event Handlers (4:36)
12- Updating the State (2:14)
13- What Happens When State Changes (2:04)
14- Passing Event Arguments (3:04)
15- Setting Up the Vidly Project (5:38)
16- Exercises (3:25)
17- Building the Movies Component (7:18)
18- Deleting a Movie (5:18)
19- Conditional Rendering (3:26)
20 – Summary (0:36)

Composing Components (01:19)
1- Introduction (0:45)
2- Composing Components (3:45)
3- Passing Data to Components (3:11)
4- Passing Children (3:10)
5 – Debugging React Apps (4:09)
6- Props vs State (2:24)
7 – Raising and Handling Events (4:52)
8- Updating the State (4:38)
9- Single Source of Truth (3:55)
10- Removing the Local State (6:47)
11- Multiple Components in Sync (5:53)
12- Lifting the State Up (5:36)
13 – Stateless Functional Components (2:29)
14- Destructuring Arguments (2:00)
15 – Lifecycle Hooks (1:38)
16 – Mounting Phase (5:34)
17- Updating Phase (4:20)
18- Unmounting Phase (1:26)
19- Exercise- Decrement Button (1:05)
20- Solution – Decrement Button (4:53)
21- Exercise- Like Component (1:44)
22- Solution- Like Component (12:26)
23- Summary (0:42)

Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting (01:47)
1- Introduction (1:08)
2- Exercise- Pagination Component (1:01)
3- Pagination-Component Interface (3:47)
4- Pagination – Displaying Pages (6:48)
5- Pagination – Handling Page Changes (5:49)
6- Pagination- Paginating Data (6:14)
7- Pagination- Type Checking with PropTypes (4:56)
8- Exercise- ListGroup Component (1:24)
9- Filtering-Component Interface (5:32)
10- Filtering – Displaying Items (3:57)
11- Filtering- Default Props (2:06)
12- Filtering-Handling Selection (4:20)
13- Filtering- Implementing Filtering (2:59)
14- Filtering- Adding All Genres (3:39)
15- Sorting-Extracting MoviesTable (5:19)
16- Sorting – Raising the Sort Event (3:28)
17- Sorting- Implementing Sorting (5:13)
18- Sorting- Moving Responsibility (5:15)
19- Sorting-Extracting TableHeader (7:44)
20- Sorting-Extracting TableBody (3:12)
21- Sorting-Rendering Cell Content (8:02)
22- Sorting- Unique Keys – Final (2:58)
23- Sorting- Adding the Sort Icon (3:57)
24- Sorting-Extracting Table (3:51)
25- Sorting-Extracting a Method (3:18)
26- Destructuring Arguments (0:58)
27- Summary (0:51)
A quick note

Routing (00:53)
1- Introduction (0:33)
2- Setup (1:46)
3- Adding Routing (4:15)
4- Switch (2:26)
5- Link (4:20)
6- Route Props (2:10)
7- Passing Props (2:35)
8- Route Parameters (3:32)
9- Optional Parameters (2:06)
10- Query String Parameters (3:51)
11- Redirects (3:06)
12- Programmatic Navigation (2:20)
13- Nested Routing (4:35)
14- Exercises- NavBar and Routing (1:43)
15- Adding React Router (1:26)
16- Adding Routes (4:57)
17- Adding the NavBar (4:39)
18- Linking to the MovieForm (4:42)
19 – Summary (0:31)

Forms (01:34)
1- Introduction (0:38)
2- Building a Bootstrap Form (5:34)
3- Handling Form Submission (2:00)
4- Refs (3:58)
5- Controlled Elements (4:32)
6- Handling Multiple Inputs (2:49)
7- Common Errors (2:28)
8- Extracting a Reusable Input (3:57)
9- Validation (2:56)
10- A Basic Validation Implementation (3:11)
11- Displaying Validation Errors (3:42)
12- Validation on Change (4:19)
13- Joi (4:33)
14- Validating a Form Using Joi (4:43)
15- Validating a Field Using Joi (5:22)
16- Disabling the Submit Button (1:11)
17- Code Review (3:13)
18- Extracting a Reusable Form (4:51)
19- Extracting Helper Rendering Methods (8:18)
20- Register Form (1:42)
21- Code Review (1:10)
22- Exercise 2- Movie Form (3:18)
23- Code Review (8:24)
24- Exercise 3- Search Movies (1:22)
25- Code Review (5:12)

Calling Backend Services (01:42)
1- Introduction (1:13)
2- JSON Placeholder (2:54)
3- Http Clients (2:56)
4- Getting Data (5:26)
5- Creating Data (4:52)
6- Lifecycle of a Request (2:50)
7- Updating Data (4:14)
8- Deleting Data (1:35)
9- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates (4:24)
10- Expected vs Unexpected Errors (6:40)
11- Handling Unexpected Errors Globally (7:54)
12- Extracting a Reusable Http Service (3:43)
13- Extracting a Config Module (1:36)
14- Displaying Toast Notifications (2:56)
15- Logging Errors (5:47)
16- Extracting a Logger Service (4:25)
17- Vidly Backend (1:50)
18- Installing MongoDB on Mac (3:58)
19- Installing MongoDB on Windows (5:39)
20- Setting Up the Node Backend (2:44)
21- Disabling Authentication (4:01)
22- Exercise- Connect Movies Page to the Backend (1:56)
23- Adding Http and Log Services (2:38)
24- Replacing FakeGenreService (3:23)
25- Replacing FakeMovieService (5:48)
26- Extracting a Config File (1:54)
27- Exercise- Connect Movie Form to the Backend (0:56)
28- Populating the Form (3:45)
29- Refactoring (2:30)
30- Saving the Movie (2:40)
31- Refactoring (2:36)

Authentication and Authorization (01:41)
1 – Introduction (0:49)
2- Registering a New User (2:37)
3- Submitting the Registration Form (4:30)
4- Handling Registration Errors (1:58)
5- Logging in a User (1:43)
6- Submitting the Login Form (2:23)
7- Handling Login Errors (1:51)
8- Storing the JWT (3:04)
9- Logging in the User upon Registration (5:37)
10- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) (3:59)
11- Getting the Current User (4:18)
12- Displaying the Current User on NavBar (4:48)
13- Logging out a User (2:44)
14- Refactoring (10:03)
15- Calling Protected API Endpoints (4:10)
16- Fixing Bi-directional Dependencies (2:43)
17- Authorization (6:30)
18- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User (2:40)
19- Protecting Routes (2:50)
20- Extracting ProtectedRoute (5:55)
21- Redirecting after Login (5:40)
22- Exercise (0:19)
23- Hiding the Delete Column (4:19)

Deployment (00:35)
1- Introduction (0:38)
2- Environment Variables (4:58)
3- Production Builds (2:48)
4- Getting Started with Heroku (2:06)
5- MongoDB in the Cloud (2:35)
6- Adding Code to a Git Repository (3:05)
7- Deploying to Heroku (3:01)
8- Viewing Logs (2:40)
9- Setting Environment Variables on Heroku (4:37)
10- Preparing the Font-end for Deployment (4:09)
11- Deploying the Front-end (2:38)

Advanced Topics (01:04)
1- Introduction (0:31)
2- Source code
3- Setting Up the Development Environment (3:13)
4- Higher Order Components (2:04)
5- Implementing a Higher Order Component (8:35)
6- Hooks (3:06)
7- The useState Hook (8:30)
8- The useEffect Hook (5:46)
9- Custom Hooks (3:04)
10- Fetching Data with Hooks (4:37)
11- Context (2:10)
12- Context in Class Components (9:46)
13- Context in Functional Components (3:33)
14- Updating the Context (7:06)
15- Consuming Multiple Contexts (2:24)
16- Thank you!
17- What to Learn Next


All you need is some basic, beginner-level familiarity with JavaScript.

You don’t need to know anything about React – everything is covered in the course.

Mastering React images

Sample video

Installation guide

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English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


Version 2021/4 compared to 2020/2, subtitles of the last chapter have been added. It can be downloaded separately.

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4.4/5 – (38874 points)

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