Download MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication

MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication


MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication is a full stack web development training course with the MERN Stack technology stack published by Udemy Academy. During this training course you will develop an advanced and professional authentication system. Mern Stack is one of the most popular technology stacks around the world, which consists of MongoDB database management system, Express and React frameworks, and most importantly NodeJS. has been Building an authentication system and managing entry and exit requires many security and system considerations. Capabilities such as creating a new account, password recovery and forgetting system, activation and secondary verification of the account, quick login with Facebook and Google accounts are among the most important topics that will be taught in this course.

Creating protected and secret routes and addresses for users with high access level and admin is one of the most important skills taught in this course. This authentication system is completely flexible and scalable, and users can use it in their future projects.

What you will learn in MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication course:

  • MongoDB database management system
  • Express and React frameworks
  • Ninety JS
  • Principles of authentication system design and access level management
  • Implementation of account confirmation by email
  • Implementation of fast login and login with Google and Facebook account
  • API development with NodeJS
  • Front-end website development with React
  • private routing
  • Working with cookies and user’s local memory
  • And ….

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Ryan Dhungel
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 89
Training duration: 9 hours and 43 minutes

Course topics on 7/2023

MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication course prerequisites

Basic understanding of React
Basic Understanding of Node Js
Basic Understanding of JavaScript
Ability to connect Node JS App to MongoDB (either using local mongodb install or mongo atlas)
Interested in FullStack React Node MongoDB Web Development

Course images

MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication

MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication course introduction video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 693 MB

Password file(s):


3.7 GB

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