Download VueMastery – Querying with GraphQL 2023-6

Querying with GraphQL


Querying with GraphQL course. There is a problem with using traditional REST APIs: we always get the same server response for a given endpoint. This lack of flexibility can lead to two equally annoying issues:

  1. Data Overfetching – When we get a large response but only need a small piece of it.
  2. Low fetch – when we make the first call just to get a small piece of what we need. This can lead to chaining of API calls and fetching even more unnecessary data trying to get what we need.

Wouldn’t it be great instead if we could shape the response we get to the request we make and only get what we need, when we need it? Fortunately, this is possible with GraphQL, a modern way to build and query APIs. In Vue Mastery’s GraphQL course, we’ll build a Vue + GraphQL application together to gain the confidence to use this powerful and modern tool. In short, GraphQL is a syntax that describes how to request data and is generally used to load data from a server. One of the main features and biggest advantages of GraphQL is that you only get the data you asked for. Unlike REST API where the API callback form is defined on the server, with GraphQL this is done on the client side. This allows us to make a single request to fetch all the information we need and nothing else, instead of making subsequent REST API calls. To better understand the difference, let’s look at an example where we compare fetching data from GitHub using both the REST and GraphQL APIs.

Now that we’re starting to understand how GraphQL provides a unique ability to query our data, how do we work with it on the front end? We could use POST requests, but it’s easier to use one of the GraphQL clients. In this course, we will focus on the Apollo Client and its Vue integration: VueApollo. We’ll learn how to fetch and modify data on the server, how to work with real-time subscriptions, and even learn how to replace your local cache management tool like Vuex with the built-in Apollo Client cache. To get the most out of this course, you’ll need a thorough understanding of Vue itself and the Vue CLI, as well as a basic understanding of the Composition API. So if you’re ready to feel confident connecting GraphQL to your Vue apps, I’ll see you in the next lesson.

What you will learn in the Querying with GraphQL course

  • Fetching data with queries
  • Updating data with mutations
  • Setting up local state with Apollo Client
  • Modifying local state with Apollo Client
  • Real-time updates with subscriptions
  • Manual cache updates and optimistic responses
  • Advanced queries
  • Query variables, handling loading and errors
  • Modifying local state with Apollo Client

Specifications of the Querying with GraphQL course

  • Publisher: VueMastery
  • teacher: Marina Mosti
  • Education level: Intermediate
  • Training duration: 1 hour and 39 minutes
  • Number of courses: 11

The topics of the Querying with GraphQL course

Course images

Querying with GraphQL

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 73 MB

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