PC Progress HYDRUS One Pack software For thermal simulation of water, heat and solution in two-dimensional and three-dimensional saturated media. The software package includes a computational computer program and an interactive graphics-based user interface. The software package includes computationally constrained numerical models for simulating two- and three-dimensional motions of water, heat, and multiple solvents in saturated media. This model includes a parameter optimization algorithm for inverse estimation of various types of soil hydraulics and/or solvent transport parameters. This model is supported by an interactive graphics-based interface for data preprocessing, generating structured and unstructured finite element derivatives and graphical presentation of results.
Features and facilities of PC Progress HYDRUS:
- New HYPAR module: Hyper is a balanced version HYDRUS computing modules are two-dimensional and three-dimensional.
- New Slope module: This module analyzes the stability of two-dimensional open soil layer slopes, including modeled water using negative pressure automatically imported from HYDRUS results.
- Representation of wet hydraulic functions for hysteretic soils
- Support for complex 3D dimensional geometry
- Domain properties, initial conditions and boundary conditions can be on geometric objects (transport domain definition) instead of finite element derivatives.
- New mesh generator for unstructured 3D meshes, support for mesh patches and stretching
- Import geometry and background layers from multiple formats (DXF, STL, TIN, BMP, etc.)
required system
Operating System
Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8.x / 10
Hard disk: 10 GB
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download PC-Progress HYDRUS_2D/3D Pro 2.04.0580
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
164 MB
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