The Ultimate Upwork Proposal – Get More Jobs! The training course on creating effective job offers on Upwork is published by Udemy Online Academy. In this training course you will learn how to create effective job offers on Upwork so that you can find more jobs and increase your income. In this valuable training course, you will learn a format that you will be able to use to find more jobs and differentiate yourself from other freelancers. In this training course, you will learn about topics such as 7 elements of a great job offer, the biggest mistake when sending job offers, how to organize your offers, and different techniques and methods to attract customers.
If you’re a freelancer on Upwork and want to learn how to get more clients, get higher rates, and earn more money, then you need to learn how to post amazing offers. This course is recommended for freelancers on Upwork who want to learn how to submit better proposals and get more clients. By completing this training course, you will be able to take your business proposals to another level and be successful in it.
What is in The Ultimate Upwork Proposal – Get More Jobs! You will learn:
- 7 elements of a great job offer
- The biggest mistake when sending job offers
- Adjust your bids
- Different techniques and methods to attract customers
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Bruno Padilha
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 22
Training duration: 2 hours
Course headings
Course prerequisites
You need to have an active Upwork profile.
Course images
Introduction video of The Ultimate Upwork Proposal course – Get More Jobs!
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.3 GB
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