Python for Statistical Analysis – Udemy

Python for Statistical Analysis


Python for Statistical Analysis is a training course to acquire skills in applied statistics with the help of Python by solving problems from the real world with state-of-the-art software and libraries. In this course, you will encounter examples from the real world, and instead of hours of learning theoretical topics and trying to connect them to real world issues, we will completely focus on applied statistics. Learning the theory and immediately using it in Python for common problems will give you the knowledge and skills you need. In this course we will work with modern tools and workflows, this is not the same as reinforcement learning spending hours of time and instead we use state-of-the-art techniques to solve problems, we code libraries And finally, we use the features of the latest published programs. Compressing numbers is an easy task and is rapidly moving from the realm of humans to computers. In this course, we focus more on the interpretation and visualization of data.

What you will learn in the Python for Statistical Analysis course:

  • Gain deeper insights into data
  • Using Python to solve common and complex statistical and machine learning projects
  • How to interpret and visualize outputs, integrating illustrated output and graphical exploration
  • Learning hypothetical testing and how to effectively use tests with Python

Course details

Publisher: Udemy
Instructors: Samuel Hinton And Agency Team
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 56
Duration: 8 hours and 37 minutes

Python for Statistical Analysis course topics 2020-11

Course prerequisites:


Python for Statistical Analysis

Sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 424 MB

Password file(s):


2.4 GB

4.6/5 – (3288 points)

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