Download Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK

Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK


Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK is the name of the training course on building a social network similar to Facebook with REACT JS and THE MERN, published by Yodemy website.In this training course, you will learn how to create an advanced social networking application like Facebook (version 2022) and work with React js, Node js, Express js, Mongodb and many other tools that you will use during the course. We will do it, master it.

  1. So as a start we will create a strong authentication system so you can register, login and reset your password, we will also have a validation system for registration using Formik and Yup and friendly error messages to confirm. Make sure that the length of the username phrase does not exceed or exceed the specified limit and does not contain special characters. Validation of email and password, date validation for age verification, username is automatically generated and we will make sure that it is unique. Is.
  2. We are also creating a mail system where we will send confirmation links and reset password codes to the user and directly after registration the user will receive a confirmation link to activate the account, so learning how to create an email We are also html.
  3. We have a main page where all the posts of people you follow or friends are combined with you are displayed, sorted from newest to oldest. Create a post.
  4. You can react on a post and change the react unreact, use the like button to like, dislike and delete the existing react, also the reacts are displayed live and every react you make or delete without The refresh has an effect.
  5. You can comment using text, emoji as well as photos, also comments are sorted and always updated directly after posting.
  6. You can save/unsave post, download post images, delete post…
  7. We will have all kinds of validation for file upload for size and type.
  8. You will learn how to crop, zoom, rotate, flip images using Cropper.
  9. You can update your cover picture by using the old cover picture or a cover picture with crop zoom option and select the part of the picture you want to use, and after sending directly, it will create a post that says the user cover picture has updated itself.
  10. You can update your profile picture using cover picture or a new picture with crop zoom option and part of the picture you want to use and after sending directly it will create a post saying that the user has updated his profile picture. and you can also use text and emoji.
  11. Each user has his own page, where all details from cover picture, profile picture, details (other name, biography, job, workplace, relationship…), photos, friends, posts are displayed.
  12. You can update all your details and see the changes directly.
  13. We will use Cloudinary to upload your images in a creative new way, you will be impressed.
  14. We have a complete friend system where you can add friend, cancel request, accept request, delete request, unfriend, follow, unfollow
  15. We also have a friends page where you can post all your requests and friends.
  16. We have a live search feature where new results appear as you type, and each user you click on will be added to your search history and also displayed in order of last click.
  17. We will use skeleton loaders during page loading or when we receive data from the backend. We also use different types of loaders in our application.
  18. We will have protected routes.
  19. We will use react redux store to set up a store to share data across all components.
  20. We will use react router dom v6 which is explained in detail.
  21. We will work with cookies and JSON web tokens to temporarily store data. –
  22. We will use many react js functions like useState, useEffect, useReducer, useRef, useCallback, event listeners and also create custom hooks.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Beginner web developers
  • Young web developers
  • React js developers
  • Node js developers
  • Web developers

What you will learn in Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK course:

  • Create a complete and functional social network similar to Facebook
  • To React js And master all its secrets and tricks
  • Learn how to work with Mongodb and how to add, update, delete and query like a pro.
  • Learn how to use Cloudinary to store your images in a new way and how to upload, search, filter
  • Build a strong authentication system where you can register, login, reset password
  • Build a mail system from scratch to send emails to users to reset email and password verification links.
  • Strong advanced form validation using Formik and Yup and learn about the best form validation techniques used
  • Master working with dates and learn how to correctly validate users’ ages by year, month, and day.
  • Live validation of data from database to ensure uniqueness of data (such as username) and create a loop function to update each time
  • Learn how to reliably schedule requests to the database on any specific date you want
  • Learn how to work with JSON web tokens, cookies…
  • And…….

Course details:

  • Publisher:Yudmi
  • teacher:Mohamed Hajji
  • English language
  • Training level: introductory to advanced
  • Number of courses: 159
  • Training duration: 35 hours and 9 minutes

Chapters of Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK course:

Prerequisites of Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK course:

  • A basic knowledge in working with React js
  • A reasonable knowledge in web development is always welcome

Course pictures:

Build Facebook clone with REACT JS AND THE MERN

Introduction video of Build Facebook clone course with REACT JS AND THE MERN STACK:

Installation guide :

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 3 GB

Download part 2-3 GB

Download part 3 – 3 GB

Download part 4 – 3 GB

Download part 5 – 3 GB

Download part 6 – 472 MB

Password file(s):


15.4 GB

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