Download Schoettler CalcTape Business

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CalcTape is a different calculator for the Windows operating system. Unlike the default Windows calculator, this calculator provides you with many features. For example, here all intermediate results are saved even for complex calculations. At any stage of the calculation, you can correct the final result by changing the previous results. Suppose you are doing extensive math operations on a large number of numbers. Suppose, after a few minutes of calculation, you find out that you entered a certain value incorrectly in a certain section.

In the old methods, because we didn’t remember exactly where the mistake was, we had to do the calculations from the beginning, but in this calculator, all the results are recorded, and at any stage we can check whether we made a mistake or not. If an error has occurred in the calculations, we can correct the final result by changing the wrong value. All intermediate operations can be changed. Somewhere instead of addition, we have subtracted, instead of multiplying, somewhere we have left one less zero and things like that, all of these can be changed. The program environment is very simple and has no additional controls. As soon as the program runs, a white page will open that displays all your calculations and you can apply the desired changes by clicking on the values ​​and operations.

Features of the CalcTape program:

  • Ability to change values ​​and operations performed on intermediate values
  • Record and save the complete history of calculations
  • Possibility of commenting in different parts of calculations
  • Ability to save the results in a file
  • The possibility of creating different templates for computing scenarios
  • The possibility of creating programmed buttons, for example, to calculate taxes
  • Show parentheses around variables
  • Simple and classic graphic appearance

required system

CalcTape for Windows requires Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10.


Installation guide

It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.

download link

Download Schoettler CalcTape Business Multilingual

Download Schoettler CalcTape Pro 6.0.4 Multilanguage

Password file(s):


11 MB

4.2/5 – (4169 points)

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