Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript, Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript, is published by Egghead Academy. When you’re developing a React Native app, it’s easy to forget about the different ways and conditions your users can experience. For example, what happens when there is no internet connection? If you haven’t asked yourself this question, the answer is: absolutely nothing. When your users click, scroll and load pages, they will stop in their tracks. They don’t get any errors so they just sit there and wait. Until they close and delete your app. But your plan is not broken, you just need to have a plan for when the internet is down. There are actually three levels of offline support: show errors only when offline, offline support, offline support and sync later.
You gradually build a news app that displays a list of stories, story pages, and a bookmark page. As you get started, you’ll learn how to query data for your application using GraphQL and enter and call those queries in the sections that need the data. This project also uses TypeScript, but the way it is used is rather unique. You will see how we can have TypeScript safety in our application without having to write any typescript. Using the GraphQL schema that powers your application’s data, you’ll create TypeScript types almost effortlessly by generating code. At the end of this course, you will learn how to implement the first two levels of offline support, and then you can implement the last level. Each lesson includes a link to the commit that added the code so you can check your work. In this course you need to run the API locally on your device. These videos were recorded on a Mac with the iPhone 13 emulator using React Native, but you can take this course using the Android emulator, Windows, and even Expo’s managed workflow.
What you will learn
- Fetch and use GraphQL data
- Type generation based on GraphQL schemas
- Add navigation in React Native
- Display errors when there is no network connection
- Cache memory for offline viewing in React Native application
Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript course specifications
- Publisher: Egghead
- teacher : Kadi Kraman
- English language
- Education level: all levels
- Number of courses: 15
- Training duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes
The chapters of the Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript course
Sample video
Installation guide
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