Download The Great Courses – Financial Literacy: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets 2019-1

Financial Literacy: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets

Financial Literacy course: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets. Financial markets create tremendous opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach for many of us. A new home, your child’s college education, retirement. Without the ability to borrow and invest, life as we know it simply would not exist. Taking full advantage of all that the markets have to offer requires not only familiarity with its unique tools, practices, and risks, but also an understanding of the ways in which the financial world and your life are inextricably linked in direct and indirect ways. Indirect, visible and vaguely related. But with a record breaking economy one minute and an economic rock bottom the next – not to mention arcane rules and obscure jargon – it seems there’s no way to feel truly comfortable in this mysterious world. But it does exist, and it’s more accessible than you might think.

Financial Literacy: Finding your way around the financial markets is a basic primer in this field, from its functions, strengths and capabilities to its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. In 24 simple yet compelling lectures, award-winning Duke University professor Kennel Vollenkamp shows the interconnected workings of financial markets and how society’s financial strength—and yours—depends on keeping money moving through these channels. Not only will you gain a new appreciation for the variety of financial products and services available to you, but also the vital importance of us as individuals in the functioning of the entire system. Whenever you are involved in a financial transaction, you will clearly see how these markets affect you – and vice versa.

  • car financing;
  • mortgage application;
  • Receive a pre-approved credit card offer;
  • participate in your company’s 401K plan; Or
  • Deposit at your local bank

Introductory in nature, but by no means taught at a superficial level, this course provides the concepts and tools you need to make direct connections between globally published headlines and what’s local to your bottom line. It happens, you need. By the final speech, you will realize how interdependent the world’s markets have become. Feel comfortable in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives and credit. And you can better make informed decisions for your financial future. Learn the rules of the game In the opinion of many of us, the financial markets play by their own rules, and these rules make little sense. For example, when the unemployment rate rises, the stock market sometimes rises with it. In a short sale, an asset is sold before it is purchased. And in the high-risk world of mergers and acquisitions, financial transactions are routinely done “on paper,” and massive companies are bought and sold without money changing hands. How can this be? Assuming no prior experience in finance, Financial Literacy unlocks these and other puzzles as it takes you through the fascinating history of banking, beginning with medieval goldsmiths’ coffers, and the workings of the tools and institutions that make up the system. By precisely connecting the dots at each stage, Prof. Volenkamp demystifies industry jargon and explains how businesses, governments, and mostly households inject funds into the market, showing that it is our money that flows through this labyrinthine network that underpins constitutes the system. . You begin this course with an overview of six essential jobs that financial markets perform for society and how every financial transaction or product attempts to perform at least one. You will examine how the markets work

  • Transferring resources over time and space allows you to buy a home without holding the entire purchase price.
  • pool resources and share ownership, enabling investors to jointly lend to governments and buy into companies.
  • Discover financial prices, which can have serious consequences if assets are not set at the appropriate level.
  • Coping with information problems, thereby reducing the risks associated with the lack of reliable information about borrowers;
  • It clears and settles payments, allowing us to easily purchase items anywhere in the world. And
  • Manage risks by providing safety nets with products such as insurance.

Along the way, you’ll learn answers to questions you’ve probably wondered, from why hedge funds are allowed to sidestep SEC regulations to the letter grades used by Standard & Poor’s and other credit rating agencies. What does it really mean?

  • How is your credit score calculated?
  • What information do lenders consider when applying for a loan?
  • Why do some stocks pay dividends while others do not?
  • What happens to your mortgage after you sign on the dotted line?
  • How do exchange rates work and how does it affect international investments?

Become a smarter financial consumer: Financial literacy provides a solid foundation for potential investors and those who have been involved in the space for years without understanding how all the pieces fit into the bigger picture. You will understand how stocks are introduced to the market. How does the US dollar leave the country? And how market regulation actually protects healthy competition. Also, background on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and mortgage-backed securities, as well as lots of practical information, including

  • How to calculate loan amortization payments;
  • Why index funds are often a great choice for investors. And
  • How to read the company’s balance sheet and profit and loss statement

In addition, the lectures offer a rare opportunity to look inside hedge funds and the money market—an area usually closed to the average investor—as well as the turf wars that take place between government-appointed “referees.” You will also see how technology and the recent economic crisis are changing the rules around the world. In the second half of the course, you will examine which major economic indicators have the greatest impact on the markets, including central banks such as the Federal Reserve. While you may regularly hear about this mysterious creature in the media, you may not be fully aware of the impact of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy on inflation, bank loans, and interest rates. But you will after completing this course.

Objective information from a sought-after expert: You can work in the entire financial department of a bookstore or watch hours of paid cable TV, but you’ll never come across a better source for this kind of solid, reliable, and unbiased information. As an accomplished trainer and IMF consultant, Professor Follenkamp delivers each insightful lecture in an engaging and engaging manner that will leave you not only understanding the material, but also as excited as he is about it. Add an outstanding instructor’s guide to the many charts, animations, and explanatory graphics presented in video formats, and Financial Literacy: Finding Your Way in the Financial Markets provides an unparalleled learning experience. You simply won’t find a more valuable investment in financial psychic development

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