Download Ultimate Courses – JavaScript HTML5 APIs 2021-9

JavaScript HTML5 APIs


JavaScript HTML5 APIs is a training course on browser APIs and HTML5 published by the Ultimate Courses Academy. After the introduction of HTML5, new and modern features and APIs were added to the browser and web standard, which completely changed the design and development style of sites and web applications and marked a new era in web programming. In this training course, you will learn about the latest changes and technologies available in modern browsers and use them in a practical way in your projects.

What you will learn in the JavaScript HTML5 APIs course:

Drag + Drop API

  • Initial installation and setup of drag and drop API
  • Define drag and drop elements
  • Managing the state and mode of draggable elements
  • Drag Over and Drop Effect
  • Connecting and binding different events to each other
  • Dragging external files into the browser page
  • Improved user experience of draggable elements

File, FileList and FileReader APIs

  • Limited files and specific formats
  • Use FileReader to display thumbnails

Notification API

  • Using Notification.requestPermission() in Async/Await functions
  • Creating a new notification factory Notification()
  • Notification.permission property test

Video and Audio API

  • Audio and video configuration attributes
  • Create control buttons, stop video and resume video
  • Sync video load percentage with
  • Display the remaining time of the video at the same time
  • Add Mute and volume up and down
  • Add Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode
  • Working with the Audio() constructor

Page Visibility API

  • Managing states and calling functions after changing the state

Fullscreen API

  • Create full screen mode for documents and various files with Async/Await functions
  • Full screen a specific element completely selectively
  • Manage events and change mode to full screen

History API

  • Display data when changing the path and website address
  • Loading new data on page refresh

Canvas API

  • Canvas Context and drawing simple geometric shapes
  • Create and update Canvas state through events and mouse events
  • Display and render information on Canvas with requestAnimationFrame
  • Clearing the Canvas environment
  • Download Canvas images using Data URI

Async Clipboard API

  • Interception and reading of Copy and Paste events in order to customize data

Local and Session Storage API

  • Set and Get methods
  • Storing JSON objects in localStorage
  • Deleting items and emptying localStorage
  • Call localStorage through user interface events
  • Building the Web Storage module
  • Management of errors and mistakes

Geolocation API

  • Geolocation data request in order to receive the user’s geographic location
  • Manage access permissions and errors
  • Displaying the user’s position and rendering it in Google Maps

Course details

Publisher: Ultimate Courses
teacher: Todd Motto
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 71
Training duration: 6 hours and 44 minutes

Course headings

JavaScript HTML5 APIs course prerequisites

JavaScript Basics Course

JavaScript DOM Course

Course images

JavaScript HTML5 APIs

JavaScript HTML5 APIs course sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 255 MB

Password file(s):


2.25 GB

4.5/5 – (2920 points)

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