Download Pluralsight – Getting Started with Linux System Administration 2023-5

Getting Started with Linux System Administration

Getting Started with Linux System Administration course. There are a variety of job roles that are enhanced with Linux administration skills. Whether you are primarily responsible for DevOps deployments, web applications, databases, or CI/CD infrastructure, you can’t go wrong with Linux. If you are looking to become more effective with system administration in Linux, this course may be just what you need. In this training course, getting started with Linux system administration, you will get to know some principles of Linux administration. First, you will learn about Linux server monitoring and optimization. Next, you configure user accounts and groups to fine-tune access to resources. Finally, how to harden your server by making sure your data is properly encrypted and network ports aren’t left open unnecessarily. When you’re done, you’ll have Linux skills that can add value to a wide range of IT projects.

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