ZSOIL is a Windows-based finite element software that provides an integrated approach to the numerical simulation of soil and rock mechanics, underground structures, excavations, soil-structure interaction and underground flow, including dynamics, heat transfer and moisture analysis. to give ZSOIL is the first software to provide an integrated approach to the many natural processes encountered in geotechnical and foundation engineering, including stability, consolidation, creep and subsurface flow, excavations, and soil-structure interactions. Typical engineering works carried out worldwide with ZSOIL include: foundation construction and excavation, including tunnels, underground storage facilities, subway stations, mining, cutting or filling highways, railways, dams, Temporary and final retaining structures, wharf and excavation systems with complex excavation sequences, hydraulic structures and buildings. ZSOIL is a geotechnical, foundation and underground flow engineering software that is continuously upgraded and written in the Windows environment based on the finite element method. This program has been used with great success in legal analysis and design studies and covers all possible scenarios in case studies without exception.
Features and features of ZSoil software:
- Small and large non-linear displacements. Axi-symmetric drivers provide Plane and 3D single-phase and two-phase analyses, including partial saturation, with any combination of algorithmic options.
- Stability analysis: through C-phi stress level and reduction algorithms leads to reliable evaluation of safety factors and failure levels for typical geometrical problems. Easier than conventional sliding surface methods.
- Excavation simulation, construction phases, fill simulation for cut and cover construction, along with any sequence of drivers, allowing to remove or add building components, loads, boundary conditions, etc., Discharge control capability to simulate 3D effects In two dimensions. Continuous safety assessment.
- flow, steady or transient, fully or partially saturated, with time-dependent boundary conditions; Completely arbitrary flow conditions with free surface, seepage surfaces as well as rain flow, impervious zones, with or without solid deformation coupling can be easily considered.
required system
- Processor: i5, i7, i9 or Intel XEON
- System 64 bit: Windows: Windows 10 or 11
- RAM: 8-16GB of RAM recommended
- Hard disk space: 50 GB
- Graphical resolution: higher than 1280 x 1024 (1024 x 768 supported)
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download ZSoil 2023 v23.54 x64
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
1.03 GB
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