Become a Full Master of Calculus 1

Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step


Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 course – Learn step by step. Be a master of Calculus 1. Learn calculus 1 through animation, this course includes video explanations with basics, graphical and mathematical proofs. It carries hundreds of numerical practice problems with complete solutions. Lectures are engaging, fancy (graphic design), fast-paced, and spend less time guiding you through the content. A great choice for students going through high school and college.

Table of Contents:

  • Function
  • Scope and scope
  • Inverse function
  • Vertical line test
  • Horizontal line test
  • Pair test ordered
  • A graph of the function
  • Performance conversion
  • share
  • Inverse parabolic function
  • circle
  • Center and radius of the circle
  • Radians and degrees of a circle
  • Least Squares Method
  • Least squares lines/regression lines
  • limit
  • Limits of trigonometric functions
  • infinite limit
  • One-way restriction
  • Two-way restriction
  • Limitation of multivariate functions
  • Continuity and discontinuity
  • Magnificent
  • Vertical asymptote
  • Horizontal asymptote
  • Hole
  • The slope point form of Eq
  • The slope-current form of Eq
  • The standard form of Eq
  • Tangent and normal lines
  • derivative law
  • Chain rule
  • power law
  • Product law
  • Multiplier law
  • Derivative of trigonometric functions
  • Inverse trigonometric functions
  • hyperbolic functions
  • Inverse hyperbolic functions
  • Composite functions
  • Implicit distinction
  • Logarithmic and exponential laws
  • Logarithmic and exponential differentiation
  • The issue of squeezing
  • Modeling and solving equations

What you will learn in Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 – Learn step by step course

  • Function, range and range, vertical line/horizontal line/ordered pair tests, graph of function, inverse of function, parabola

  • limit, limit of trig functions, limit of infinity, one-way/two-way limits, limit of multivariable function, continuity and discontinuity

  • derivative law, chain law, power law, product and coefficient, derivative of trigger functions, inverse trig, hyperbola, inverse hyperbola, compound functions,

  • Implicit differentiation, asymptotic, asymptotic, vertical, horizontal asymptotic and hole, point slope, slope-power, standard form of the equation,

  • Circle, logarithmic rules, logarithmic differentiation, least square lines/regression lines, pressure theorem

This course is suitable for people who

  • A beginner in high school/college

Course details

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Moein Ud Din
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 42 hours and 20 minutes
  • Number of courses: 372

Course headings Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 – Learn step by step

Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step

Prerequisites of the course Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 – Learn step by step

  • Be able to know the very basics of calculus, algebra and trigonometry

Course images

Become a Full Master of Calculus 1 - Learn step by step

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

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