Surpac icon
Engineering and specialization

Download GEOVIA Surpac 2024 x64

Description Surpac product GEOVIA It is the most famous geological and mine planning software. This program has supported more than 120 countries of the world in open pit mining and underground operations and exploration projects. […]

Rocscience RS2 icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Rocscience RS2 v11.0 x64

Description Rocscience RS2 is a program for two-dimensional finite element analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications. Applicable to rock and soil (RS2 = 2D Rock and Soil Analysis Program), RS2 is a […]

PHA-Pro icon
Engineering and specialization

PHA-Pro 8.13 – Crack PHA-Pro

Description PHA-Pro is the most well-known and largest PHA and HAZOP tool that helps organizations perform risk studies easily and thoroughly. With this tool, you can improve your critical factors by optimizing expert time, minimizing […]