Geoplat AI icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Geoplat AI 21.0 x64

Description Geoplat AI Specialized software It is in the field of geology and earth sciences, developed by Geoplat company. Geoplat is one of the leading companies in the field of machine learning techniques and artificial […]

Download midas Design+ 2021 v3.1 x64
Engineering and specialization

Download midas Design+ 2021 v3.1 x64

Description +midas Design is a collection of practical tools for designing the details of civil structures. This software allows engineers to design the components of civil structures such as beams, columns, stairs, steel connections, walls, […]

midas Gen icon
Engineering and specialization

Download midas Gen 2021 v3.1 x64

Description midas Gen is an integrated solution from MIDAS Information Technology for the design and analysis of buildings and public structures. This program with an intuitive user interface and powerful solutions, relying on the graphic […]