Lindo LINGO icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Lindo LINGO 18.0.44 x64

Description Lindo LINGO is an advanced software for optimization modeling and analysis and solving linear and non-linear programming problems. Many operations research models can be analyzed using this software. Also, this program will give the […]

Aquaveo SMS icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64

Description Aquaveo SMS stands for Aquaveo Surface-water Modeling System is a powerful software for surface water modeling. This powerful product has all the facilities necessary for modeling, including creating the geometry of water structures, drawing, […]

AGi32 icon
Engineering and specialization

Download Lighting Analysts AGi32 v19.10

Description AGi32 is a unique and powerful software for lighting analysis and simulation. Using this program, you can effectively light the interior and exterior of the building, open spaces, conference rooms, reception rooms, exhibitions and […]