Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R is a training course from the Udemy site that teaches how to use the R programming language in Data science, machine learning, and data visualization. The information scientist job has been introduced as one of the best jobs on the Glassdoor website, and its average salary in a country like the United States has been announced on the Indeed website as more than 120,000 dollars. Data science is a rewarding and rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world’s most interesting problems.
This training course is suitable for both beginners who have no knowledge in the field of programming and also contains interesting content for professional programmers in the field of data science. In this course, you can learn very interesting topics about data science and machine learning and get to know the R programming language. In this video, topics such as programming with R, advanced features of R, using R information frames to solve complex tasks, using R to manage Excel files, working with the web using R, connecting R to SQL, using ggplot2 For data visualization, and machine learning using R is explained.
Items taught in this course:
- Programming in R language
- Using R for data analysis
- Create information visualization
- Using R to manage excel, csv and sql files
- Using R to edit the data
- Using R for machine learning algorithms
- Using R for Data Science
Specifications of the Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R course
- Publisher: Yudmi
- English language
- Duration: 17h 45m
- Number of courses: 128
- Lecturer: Jose Portilla
- File format: mp4
Course topics:
Prerequisites for the Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R course
- Computer access with download privileges.
- Basic Math Skills
Sample video
Installation guide
After extracting, watch with your favorite player
English subtitle
Quality: 720p, 1080p
The 2019/9 version has a time reduction of about 1 minute compared to 2018-11.
The version of 12/2020 has increased by 1 lesson and 1 minute compared to 2019/9.
download link
Password file(s):
5.7 / 2.38 GB
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