Aard Dictionary is a very effective Android application that allows you to view the Wikipedia encyclopedia offline. This encyclopedia has several thousand articles in different languages that are used by students, doctors, engineers and other experts in different fields.
Features and features of the Aard Dictionary program:
– High-speed search among information in different languages
– Having different content for different needs
– Quickly find data files in different folders
– Offline access to Wikipedia
– Persian language support
– Links to topics in the text
– Support for 38 languages of the world
– The ability to zoom on the text
Tips for Aard Dictionary app:
– Two widely used encyclopedias of the program are provided for download. Persian and English. The English encyclopedia has four editions:
– Simple version: a concise version of the English encyclopedia with a size of 156 MB.
– Compact version: the regular version of the English encyclopedia with a size of 3600 MB.
– Full version: the full version of the English encyclopedia with a volume of 14200 MB.
– The Persian version is only an encyclopedia with a volume of 753 MB.
Changes in the latest version of Aard Dictionary 1.6.11:
Fix following internal links which broke with Android 4.4.3 update
Revert back button support for in-page links (no longer properly works with the fix above)
Phone number links (tel: URIs) now open dialer
Better handle in-page links (URIs containing only fragment)
Links containing spaces did not work in some recent dictionaries, fixed
Fix zoom in/zoom out on Android 4.4
Fix infinite zoom in on “Find in page” on Android 4.4
required system
Android 2.1 and up
Installation guide
After installing the Aard Dictionary software, copy its data file (Persian or English or both) to your desired folder and after running the software, press the Scan SD Card button. The software will find the dictionary(s) within a few seconds and Adds software.
download link
Download Aard Dictionary 1.6.11
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1 GB
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