Download AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses 2021-7

AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses


AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses is the title of a collection published by Algo Expert educational institute. AlgoExpert is a complete resource for preparing for coding interviews. The fact is that interview questions and algorithms are hard. Even when we get into the deep process of a complex algorithm, it becomes more difficult. In the AlgoExpert section, you will dominate interview questions and algorithms with more than 70 hours of quality video training. SystemsExpert is also a unique course for large-scale distributed systems.

What you will learn in AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert course set:

  • Data structures
  • Familiarity with algorithms and their work process
  • Tips, tricks and interview management
  • Basic principles of system design
  • Interview questions for system design

Course details

Publisher: Algo Expert
Instructors: Clément Mihailescu
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 300
Duration: 180 hours and 26 minutes

Available courses in the AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses collection:

Become Algorithms Expert

01. Two Number Sum
02. Validate Subsequence
03. Find Closest Value In BST
04. Branch Sums
05. Node Depths
06. Depth-first Search
07. Linked List Construction
08. Nth Fibonacci
09. Product Sum
10. Binary Search
11. Find Three Largest Numbers
12. Insertion Sort
13. Bubble Sort
14. Selection Sort
15. Palindrome Check
16. Caesar Cipher Encryptor

01. Three Number Sum
02. Smallest Difference
03. Move Element To End
04. Monotonic Array
05. Spiral Traverse
06. Longest Peak
07. BST Construction
08. Validate BST
09. BST Traversal
10. Min Height BST
11. Invert Binary Tree
12. Max Subset Sum No Adjacent
13. Number Of Ways To Make Change
14. Min Number Of Coins For Change
15. Levenshtein Distance
16. Kadane’s Algorithm
17. Single Cycle Check
18. Breadth-first Search
19. River Sizes
20. Youngest Common Ancestor
21. Min Heap Construction
22. Remove Nth Node From End
23. Permutations
24. Powerset
25. Min Max Stack Construction
25. Search In Sorted Matrix
27. Balanced Brackets
28. Longest Palindromic Substring
29. Group Anagrams
30. Suffix Trie Construction


01. Four Number Sum
02. Subarray Sort
03. Largest Range
04. Min Rewards
05. Zigzag Traverse
06. Same BSTs
07. Max Path Sum
08. Max Sum Increasing Subsequence
09. Longest Common Subsequence
10. Min Number Of Jumps
11. Water Area
12. Knapsack Problem
13. Disk Stacking
14. Numbers In Pi
15. Topological Sort
16. Boggle Board
17. Continuous Median
18. Find Loop
19. Reverse Linked List
20. Merge Linked Lists
21. Shift Linked List
22. Lowest Common Manager
23. Interweaving Strings
24. Shifted Binary Search
25. Search For Range
26. Quickselect
27. Quick Sort
28. Heap Sort
29. Shorten Path
30. Longest Substring Without Duplication
31. Underscorify Substring
32. Pattern Matcher
33. Multi String Search

4-Very Hard
01. Apartment Hunting
02. Calendar Matching
03. Iterative In-order Traversal
04. Flatten Binary Tree
05. Right Sibling Tree
06. All Kinds Of Node Depths
07. Max Profit With K Transactions
08. Palindrome Partitioning Min Cuts
09. Longest String Chain
10. Knuth-Morris-Pratt
11. Rectangle Mania
12. Merge Sorted Arrays
13. LRU Cache
14. Rearrange Linked List
15. Number Of Binary Tree Topologies
16. Merge Sort
17. Smallest Substring Containing

Behavioral Interview Preparation

01. Introduction
02. What Are Behavioral Interviews
03. General Tips
04. Low Performer
05. Team Conflict
06. Interest In Company
07. Strong Disagreement
08. Sudden Onboarding
09. Work Distribution
10. Past Mistake
11. Challenging Project
12. Production Outage
13. Tough Feedback
14. Strengths And Improvements
15. Comfort Zone

Interview Tips Tricks
01. How To Best Use AlgoExpert
02. Coding Skills
03. Problem Solving Ability
04. Communication
05. Culture Fit

Systems Design Fundamentals
01. Introduction
02. What Are Design Fundamentals
03. Client-Server Model
04. Network Protocols
05. Storage
06. Latency And Throughput
07. Availability
08. Caching
09. Proxies
10. Load Balancers
11. Hashing
12. Relational Databases
13. Key-Value Stores
14. Specialized Storage Paradigms
15. Replication And Sharding
16. Leader Election
17. Peer-To-Peer Networks
18. Polling And Streaming
19. Configuration
20. Rate Limiting
21. Logging And Monitoring
22. Publish and Subscribe Patterns
23. MapReduce
24. Security And HTTPS
25. API Design

Systems Design Interview Questions
01. Design AlgoExpert
02. Design a Code-Deployment System
03. Design A Stockbroker
04. Design Facebook News Feed
05. Design Google Drive
06. Design The Reddit API
07. Design Netflix
08. Design the Uber API
09. Design Slack
10. Design Airbnb

Images of AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses:


Sample video of AlgoExpert + SystemsExpert Full courses:

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

From this collection, Vol Data Structures Crash Course Published separately.

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150 Coding Interview Questions

Download part 1 – 4 GB

Download part 2 – 4 GB

Download part 3-4 GB

Download part 4 – 4 GB

Download part 5 – 0.98 GB

Become Algorithms Expert

Download part 1 – 3 GB

Download part 2-3 GB

Download part 3 – 3 GB

Download part 4 – 2.38 GB

Behavioral Interview Preparation

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 598 MB

Interview Tips Tricks

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 1 GB

Download part 5 – 1 GB

Download part 6 – 192 MB

Systems Design Fundamentals

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 911 MB

Systems Design Interview Questions

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 211 MB

Password file(s):


Total about 30.2 GB

4.6/5 – (6589 points)

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