Download AmigosCode – Spring Data JPA Master Class 2022-10

Spring Data JPA Master Class


Spring Data JPA Master Class, Spring Data JPA Master Class, is published by AmigoseCode Academy. In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Spring Data JPA, which enables building scalable back-end applications with support for any relational database. Spring Data JPA is a great choice that allows you to speed up your development and focus on business logic. There is a lot of coding in this course. After graduating from King’s College in Computer Science, the instructor gained expertise working as a Java engineer for companies such as Citigroup and Starling.
You will learn the following:

  • Spring Data JPA What is
  • Connecting to a real database and not an in-memory DB
  • How to map classes to tables
  • life cycle Hibernate Entity
  • Queries
  • Pagination and sorting
  • Relationships 1to1
  • Relationships 1toMany
  • Relationships Many to Many
  • Trance actions

What you will learn

  • Connecting to the database through IntelliJ
  • Connect to the database
  • Mapping classes to tables with Entity@
  • Generating sequence and value
  • column@
  • Add data source and no constructor Arg
  • Table@ and constraints
  • Understanding Repositories
  • Repository methods review
  • Query methods
  • JPQL query methods
  • Understanding Eager fetch for 1to many

Specifications of the Spring Data JPA Master Class course

  • Publisher: AmigosCode
  • teacher : Nelson
  • English language
  • Education level: all levels
  • Number of courses: 61
  • Training duration: 4 hours and 22 minutes

Spring Data JPA Master Class course chapters

# Course Overview
# Postgres Database Server
# IntelliJ
# Cloning Repo
# Running the application
# Connecting to Database via IntelliJ
# Section Overview
# Student Class
# Connecting to Database
# Map Classes to Tables using @Entity
# Sequence Generator and Value
# @Column
# Adding Datasource and No Arg Constructor
# @Table and Constraints
# Understanding Repositories
# StudentRepository
# Exploring Repository Methods
# Exploring Repository Methods p2
# Query Methods
# Query Methods P2
# JPQL Query Methods
# @Query
# Native Queries
# Named parameters
# @Modifying
# Installing Faker
# Saving Random Students using Faker
# sort
# Paging and Sorting
# Inspect Paging and Sorting in Debug mode
# Intro
# Student Id Card Entity
# @OneToOne and @JoinColoum
# Student Id Card Repository
# Saving Student Id Card
# Cascade Type
# Hibernate Entity Lifecycle
# Fetch Type
# Uni Vs BiDirectional on 1 to 1 Relationships
# Orphan Removal
# @ForeingKey
# Exercise Solution
# Many to Two Bidirectional
# Testing Many to Too Bidirectional
# Understanding Eager fetch type for One To Many
# Save Student Instead of Id Card
# Course Entity
# @Many to Many and @JoinColumn
# @Many To Many mappedBy
# Methods to add and remove courses
#Many to Many relationships in Action
# @Embeddable
# @EmbeddedId and @MapsId
# Link Entities to Bridge Table
# Testing changes
# Adding Extra Column to Link Table
# @ForeingKey
# Database Transaction
# Working with Transactions

Course prerequisites

  • No prior experience required


Sample video

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

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876 MB

4.8/5 – (1540 points)

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