Download Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp

Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp [2022]


Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp is a training course on creating user interfaces for native Android applications with the Jetpack Compose tool, published by Udemy Academy. In this course, various topics are taught such as Kotlin programming, Jetpack Compose tool, Firebase Firestore, Hilt and Dagger tools, ROOM DB database and local and local data storage in Android devices, ViewModel software architecture model, Retrofit library. And… covered and you’ll learn valuable skills. The Android application development industry is progressing day by day, and despite tools like Jetpack Compose, many of the challenges that programmers had to deal with in the past no longer exist.

Writing repetitive and meaningless codes, checking and using APIs that are not applicable and incompatible with the operating system and software core, the large volume of codes and the lack of conceptual relationships between different parts of the software were among the most important challenges that with the help of the framework Today’s modern tools have fixed it to a great extent. With the help of Jetpack Compose tool, programmers can develop Android applications in less time and with much lower code volume and avoid wasting time and financial resources. The development of native Android applications and the creation of modern user interfaces for various software are among the most important uses of Jetpack Compose. Live preview and making reusable components are among the revolutionary and very important features of this tool.

What you will learn in the Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp course:

  • Clean Architecture
  • MVVM architecture pattern in Android
  • Developing modern and native applications with Jetpack Compose
  • Server-side and back-end development of Android applications with Firebase Firestore
  • tools of Dagger and Hilt
  • ROOM DB database and local and local storage of information in Android devices

Course details

  • Publisher: Yudmi
  • teacher: Paulo Dichone
  • English language
  • Training level: introductory to advanced
  • Number of courses: 285
  • Training duration: 36 hours and 45 minutes

Course headings

Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp

Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp course prerequisites

Basic programming experience in general is helpful but not required. The course covers everything you’ll need to build Android Apps with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose

Kotlin Fundamentals Included in the Course

Course images

Android Jetpack Compose The Comprehensive Bootcamp

Android course introduction Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


The version of 2022/5 compared to 2021/12 has increased the number of 2 lessons and the duration of 16 minutes.

The 2023/8 version has not changed in the number of lessons and the duration of the course compared to 2022/5, but the volume of some videos has changed.

download link

Download part 1 – 3 GB

Download part 2-3 GB

Download part 3 – 3 GB

Download part 4 – 3 GB

Download part 5 – 1.08 GB

File(s) password:


13.08 GB

4.6/5 – (14469 points)

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