Aqua Data Studio is a very useful software for database developers, administrators and analysts. It doesn’t matter if the target database is SQL, NOSQL, Oracle, etc. This program has provided tools that all three mentioned groups can use to increase productivity and speed up their work. You are able to analyze data visually in an integrated graphical environment. Get a query. Write, edit and execute sql scripts simultaneously on multiple databases. This program is able to show you the structure of the database graphically, which will make it easier to understand large databases. One of the strengths of this program is the possibility of executing a task simultaneously on several database engines. For example, you define a task that can be executed simultaneously on a local database such as Sybase, several remote databases such as Oracle or cloud databases. Without using Aqua Data Studio, you have to find specific tools for each of these databases, which will significantly reduce your productivity.
Features and features of Aqua Data Studio software:
- Comprehensive and beautiful IDE with many features
- Running all types of SQL queries on any type of database
- Creating queries visually without the need to write the names of tables and databases and other objects
- Suitable tools for database debugging
- Ability to connect to SSH terminals and execute desired commands
- Having FluidSheel, which is a shell combining SQL commands and the standard Unix shell
- MongoShell tool for executing JavaScript commands on Mongo databases
- Visual analysis and automatic generation of information dashboards
- Ability to edit and add data to the tables resulting from the query
- The possibility of importing and exporting data with different formats of Excel, CSV, etc.
- Visual browser of database objects
- The possibility of comparing database structures and the possibility of matching them
- Builder of ER models from operational databases
- It has a built-in version control tool that can be connected to the popular subversion source controls, CSV and Git
- And …
required system
Prerequisites for OS X 10.5.1 or higher / Java 1.6
PowerPC G3 or above || Intel Processor
Minimum 256 MB of RAM
Minimum 100 MB of disk space
Prerequisites for Windows / Java 1.6 or above
Windows 2000 or above
1GHz x86 Processor or above (Intel/AMD)
Minimum 256 MB of RAM
Minimum 100 MB of disk space
Prerequisites for Linux / Java 1.6 or above
1GHz x86 Processor or above (Intel/AMD)
Minimum 256 MB of RAM
Minimum 100 MB of disk space
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download Aqua_Data_Studio_19.0.2.5_x86
Download Aqua_Data_Studio_19.0.2.5_x64
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
32-bit version: 447 MB
64-bit version: 450 MB
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