AWS, JavaScript, React | Deploy Web Apps on the Cloud Amazon Web Service course, JavaScript, React | Cloud Web Application Deployment published by Udemy Academy. Cloud computing Linux basics A stack of lamps DBMS Apache NGINX | AWS IAM | Amazon EC2 | JavaScript react
Welcome to our latest course. Here, you’ll learn how to deploy fully scalable React web applications to some of the most powerful cloud computing platforms out there, including AWS and Linode. This course begins by exploring the basics of cloud computing, where we provide an overview of the three main cloud service models. This includes: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. From there we provide an in-depth guide to deploying and configuring virtual instances and the basics of remote server administration and server security using SSH. Students are then introduced to Linux, where we explore different Linux distributions, the Linux file system, and essential Linux directory and maintenance commands.
Once students are familiar with Linux, we move on to the basics of web servers. Here, we’ll examine two industry leaders in the server software space, including Apache and NGINX. Students will learn the benefits and use cases of each server technology, along with an in-depth technical analysis of their performance in production environments. From there we will explore database management systems, including SQL and NoSQL databases, along with database transaction standards. In this section students will gain valuable insights into the various database options available, and the best use for each depending on project type and complexity.
What is in the training course AWS, JavaScript, React | Deploy Web Apps on the Cloud You will learn:
- Basics of cloud computing on AWS and Linode
- Cloud computing service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
- Deploy and configure a virtual instance on Linode and AWS
- Secure remote management of virtual instances using SSH
- Working with SSH key pair authentication
- Linux basics (maintenance, directory commands, user accounts, file system)
- And …
Who is this course suitable for:
- Students interested in the basics of cloud computing, including cloud service models and deployment
- Students interested in working with powerful cloud computing platforms including AWS and Linode
- Students interested in learning the basics of Linux and the Ubuntu Linux distribution
- Students interested in installing and configuring the LAMP Stack in a remote virtual instance
- Students interested in the basics of web server technology including Apache and NGINX
- Students interested in the basics of database management systems (DBMS), including SQL and NoSQL databases.
- Students interested in managing cloud servers using AWS
- Students interested in learning about AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Students interested in deploying and configuring Amazon EC2 instances
- Students interested in learning the basics of JavaScript coding and DOM manipulation
- Students interested in building interactive UI interfaces using React JS
Course details
- Publisher: Yudmi
- teacher: YouAccel Training
- English language
- Training level: introductory to advanced
- Number of courses: 266
- Training duration: 25 hours and 1 minute
Course headings
Course prerequisites
Basic computer skills.
Basic knowledge of markup languages (HTML and CSS).
No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know.
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
11.7 GB
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