Download Bergsoft NextSuite (VCL) v6.7.7 Full Source Delphi 6 – XE 11

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BergSoft NextSuite is a powerful component suite for Delphi and C++ Builder. NextGrid is an easy-to-use component by understanding methods and properties at design time (with a visual column editor) and at runtime. NextGrid has more features than standard Delphi StringGrid and ListView. NextDBGrid is a powerful BayDelphi and C++ Builder Data Grid based on the famous NextGrid component.

Features and features of the BergSoft NextSuite component set:

  • It has several types of columns to present data in different ways
  • Columns can display text, checkbox, progress bar, date, number, image from ImageList, toolbar, HTML, graphics.
  • Handle large number of cells without losing speed. The speed of adding, changing and deleting data does not depend on the cell value.
  • Each column contains a custom footer that may display custom text, images, or calculation results. (SUM, AVG, DISTINCT, MIN, MAX and COUNT)
  • Contains a filter property that may be used for real-time filtering.
  • Includes TreeColumn, a standard column that can be added and modified like any other column type.
  • Unicode (WideString) string support in cell, header and footer
  • Support for both Delphi (VCL) visual styles (available in new versions of Delphi) and standard Windows themes
  • Includes many useful methods (functions and methods) such as: SaveToXML, LoadFromXML, SaveToINI/LoadFromINI, FindText, BestFitColumn

This set includes the following components:

  • Next DBGrid 6
  • Next Inspector 6
  • Next Collection 6
  • Next Editors 6

NextSuite system requirements

supported idea

Delphi 7,6, 2005, 2007, 2010, Delphi XE, XE2 (VCL), XE3 (VCL), XE4 (VCL), XE5 (VCL), XE6 (VCL), XE7 (VCL), XE8 (VCL), Delphi 10 Seattle (VCL), Delphi 10.1 Berlin, C++ Builder XE4, XE5, XE6, C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo

NextSuite images

Installation guide

Programmers know better.

download link

Download Bergsoft NextSuite (VCL) v6.7.7 Full Source Jul 2022 Delphi 6 – XE 11

Download Bergsoft NextSuite (VCL) v6.7 Full Source Nov 2021 Delphi 6-11

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Download Bergsoft NextSuite (VCL) v6.6.0 Full Source Sep 2020 Delphi 6 – XE 10.4

Download BergSoft NextSuite 6 4.2019 VCL 6.3.5 Full Source

Download Bergsoft NextSuite 6 VCL 6.3.2 Full Source Feb 2019 Delpi 7-XE10.x

Download Bergsoft NextSuite 6 VCL 6.12.18 Full Source Dec 7th 2018 Delphi 7-XE10.3 Rio

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9.48 MB

4.6/5 – (14934 points)

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