RealityCapture (or abbreviated RC) Photogrammetry software It creates beautiful 3D images and augmented reality from ground, aerial and laser photos. The most common applications of this program are art and architecture for cultural heritage, full body scanning, mapping, visual effects and virtual reality. Among the important features of this program are: image adjustment, automatic calibration, calculation of polygonal meshes, coloring, texture generation, georeference, DSM, geographic coordinate conversion, simplification, scaling, applying color filters and visual effects, smoothing images, Measurement, review of images and input and output pointed to different formats. This software has provided all necessary facilities for working with images and producing their 3D models.
This program can also be run under the command line. All the functions and capabilities of the graphical environment can also be executed through the command line. People who are looking for faster rendering of images and doing tasks in batches, or who like to use this software in their software automation processes, can make the most of the command line version. There is also a development kit for developers to develop new functions.
RealityCapture is able to intelligently combine camera images and laser scans to produce a unique output. This program is able to run well on not very powerful hardware and perform the necessary processes at a high speed. This program with Windows 10 It is compatible and we recommend that you have at least 8 GB of RAM for better performance. Also, for more speed, it is better to use a multi-core processor and a graphics card with at least 1 GB of RAM to see the best performance of this program.
required system
RealityCapture runs on 64-bit machines with at least 8GB of RAM, 64bit Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, using a graphics card with an nVidia CUDA 2.0+ GPU and at least 1 GB of RAM. Users can run the application and register images without the nVidia card but will not be able to create a textured mesh. Users must install the Media Feature Pack for Windows, and on Windows Server users must install Media Foundation features.
Each RC software license is limited to 32 CPU cores and 3 GPU cards. For higher configurations, more licenses must be purchased equivalently. A computer with 4 CPU cores, 16 GB RAM and 386 CUDA cores is recommended.
Meshing, coloring and texturing are completely out-of-core in RC, which is intended to avoid RAM performance loss during these processes.
Installation guide
If you install other versions, first remove them completely and then install this version. After installation, run and apply the Patch file with Run as administrator.
download link
Download Capturing Reality RealityCapture RC CLI Edition
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
31 MB
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