Download Coding With Mitch – Clean Architecture 2020-6

Coding With Mitch - Clean Architecture


Coding With Mitch – Clean Architecture is a clean architecture and coding course for the Kotlin programming language. If you have a question, why are there so many people in different fields of software (web, Android, iOS, handcap and game) Clean Architecture is known as one of the best methods to organize the code, this course will answer your question. In this course, you will get to know Clean Architecture and you will also understand how it can improve the testing and evaluation of Android applications.

What you will learn in the Coding With Mitch – Clean Architecture course:

  • Architectural pattern MVI
  • Programming language Kotlin
  • Rivers and canals
  • network layer Firestore
  • Layer Caching and Caching planning strategies
  • Unit test (Junit5)
  • Equipment testing (Espresso and androidx.test)
  • script writing Gradle
  • Test report
  • Dagger2
  • Navigation components

Course details

Publisher: Coding With Mitch (CodingWithMitch
Instructors: Mitch Tabian
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 57
Duration: 11 hours and 47 minutes

Course topics:

Course Demo

Part 1: How this Course is Structured
How this course is structured
Source Code

Part 2: Gradle Dependency Management
Gradle Dependency Management

Part 3: Layers of Clean Architecture
Layers of Clean Architecture
Package Structure

Part 4: Domain Layer
Building out the Domain Layer
State Management

Part 5: Data Layer
Data Layer (Cache)
Data Layer (Network)

Part 6: Use-cases
NoteDaoService & NoteFirestoreService Abstractions
Planning Use-cases
InsertNewNote Use-case
Cache and Network Error Handling
Test Fakes and Test Dependencies
InsertNewNote Unit Tests
SearchNotes Use-case
Search Notes Unit Tests
Fake Data Sets
GetNumNotes Use-case
GetNumNotes Unit Tests
DeleteNote Use-case
DeleteNote Unit tests
DeleteMultipleNotes Use-case
DeleteMultipleNotes Unit Tests
RestoreDeletedNote Use case
RestoreDeletedNote Unit Tests
UpdateNote Use-case
UpdateNote Unit Tests
SyncNotes Use-case
SyncNotes Unit Tests
SyncDeletedNotes Use-case
SyncDeletesNotes Unit Tests

Part 7: DataSource Caching Layer
Room Database Setup
NoteDaoService Implementation

Part 8: Data Source Network Layer
Firestore Setup
Datasource Network Layer Setup
Crashlytics and Analytics

Part 9: Dagger Setup
Dagger Setup (Part 1)
Dagger for Instrumentation Tests

Part 10: Testing a Firestore Database
Firestore Local Testing
Base Test Class
Fake Data for Instrumentation Tests
Firestore Tests
Bug Fix #1

Part 11: Testing a Room Database
Room DAO Tests

Part 12: Gradle Scripts and Test Reports
Gradle Scripting Introduction
Gradle Scripts to Automate Tests

Part 13: Interactors, ViewModels and UI
The Last Piece of Clean Architecture
Base Classes and Factories
NoteList Toolbar States and RecyclerView Item Selection
NoteDetailViewModel and Fragment
SplashFragment and Data Sync

Part 14: Bug Fixes and Refactoring
Bug Fixes 2

Course prerequisites:

Note: These are recommendations, not requirements. I think you can get by since I explain everything on video anyway:

Room Persistence
MVI / MVVM Architecture
Unit testing
Instrumentation testing


Sample video:

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 269 MB

Password file(s):


8.3 GB

4.7/5 – (4964 points)

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