Download Coding with Mitch – Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile 2021-6

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a training course on using KMM to build an app that can be used on Android and iOS devices using Kotlin source code.

What you will learn in the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile course:

  • Using shared components (including Ktor a network client, SQL Delight, Kotlinx.datetime and Kotlinx.serialization)
  • Special components for Android (including Jetpack Compose, Jetpack Compose Navigation, Accompanist Coil, Hilt and Compose-Only navigation system)
  • Special iOS components including SwiftUI

Course details

Publisher: Coding With Mitch (CodingWithMitch
Instructors: Mitch Tabian
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 83
Duration: 10 hours and 7 minutes

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile course topics:

Course Demo

Part 1: Project Setup
Getting started with KMM
Dependencies and BuildSrc

Part 2: Navigation with Jetpack Compose
Defining the Screens
Passing Arguments when Navigating

Part 3: Hilt + ViewModels
Why we are not sharing a ViewModel
Why we are using Hilt for Dependency Injection
Hilt Setup
Providing Dependencies (Hilt Modules)

Part 4: Ktor Network Client
Ktor Setup (expected / actual)
Ktor Demo
Core Business Model
Core Network Business Model
Mapping to and from a Core Business Model
Date Conversions
Recipe Service
Providing the Network Objects with Hilt

Part 5: Use Cases
Use-Cases Introduction
Provide SearchRecipes with Hilt
GetRecipe Use-case

Part 6: Caching
SQL Delight Setup
RecipeDatabase and actual expectation
Caching Service
Mapping Recipe_Entity to Recipe
Providing CacheService with Hilt
Adding Caching to the Use-cases

Part 7: Android UI
Introduction to Building the Android UI
Theme, Colors, Fonts with Compose
Coil for Displaying Images
Recipe Card
Display a List of Recipes
Indeterminate Progress Bar
Shimmer Animation
Event-Driven UI
Search Bar
Executing a New Search
Food Categories
Horizontal Selectable Food Categories
Tracking the selected category as state
Recipe Detail Screen
Recipe Detail State
Recipe Detail Shimmer Animation

Part 8: Errors and Dialogs
Identifying the problem
Kotlin Queue
Tracking Errors as State
Error Dialogs
Error Message Limitations
Generic Message Info Builder
GenericMessageInfo Mechanism
Preventing Duplicate Dialogs
Removing Dialogs from the Queue
Updating GenericDialog

Part 9: iOS Client
Introduction to iOS Client
xCode and SwiftUI
Manual Dependency Injection
Recipe List Screen Arguments
Observable Objects in SwiftUI
Updating State in Observable Objects
Triggering Events in RecipeListViewModel
Collecting a Flow on iOS
Appending Recipes to State
SwiftUI Pagination
Capturing Input on iOS
Update Query and Execute Search
Food Category Chip on iOS
Horizontal Scrollable List on iOS
Selecting a Food Category
Display Images Asynchronously in SwiftUI with SDWebImage
Recipe Card on SwiftUI
Navigation Link
Navigation Link Work-around
Progress View
Recipe Detail ViewModel on iOS
Get Recipe Use-case on iOS
Recipe Detail View on iOS
Custom Fonts with SwiftUI
Using the Custom Font
0 Alerts
1 Handling Errors in Recipe List Screen
2 Handling Errors in Recipe Detail Screen

Course prerequisites:


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile course introduction video:

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 1 GB

Download part 5 – 1 GB

Download part 6 – 783 MB

Password file(s):


5.8 GB

4.6/5 – (3625 points)

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