Powerful Android Apps with Jetpack Architecture Course of powerful Android apps with Jetpack architecture published by CodingwithMitch Academy.
In this tutorial you will learn to build a real application that interacts with the open-api.xyz website. Open-api.xyz is a sandbox website for members coding using a Rest API. Advanced scheduling management using jobs, overriding active jobs, scope of work, bottom navigation view with parts, use of multiple navigation diagrams (this is advanced content), custom domains, part injection, activity injection, Viewmodel injection, basically this MVVM Added with some things, state management, building a generic BaseViewModel, Repository pattern (NetworkBoundResource), SQLite on Android with Room Persistence library, custom queries, insert, delete, update, foreign key relationships, multiple database tables , database cache (store data from network in local cache), single source of truth, handle any type of response from server (success, error, none, etc…), return LiveData from Retrofit calls (Retrofit call adapter), to Share a ViewModel between multiple fragments, build a powerful public BaseViewModel, interact with the server via a web view (JavaScript), programmatically implement a SearchView, execute search queries in the network and db cache, select Images from the phone’s memory, cropping images to a specific aspect ratio, setting limits on image size and aspect ratio, uploading a cropped image to the server, canceling pending network requests (Kotlin coroutines), testing network latency, paging objects from the server’s cache and the database is returned, the bottom navigation view with parts, customizing the behavior of the bottom navigation icon, managing different page sizes (ConstraintLayout), material dialogs and part transition animations will be taught in this course.
What you will learn in the Powerful Android Apps with Jetpack Architecture training course:
- Kathleen
- Coroutines
- Advanced scheduling management using jobs
- Cancellation of active jobs
- Working range
- Navigation components
- Bottom navigation view with parts
- Use multiple navigation charts (this is advanced content)
- And …
Course details
- Publisher: Coding with Mitch
- teacher: Mitch Tabian
- English language
- Training level: introductory to advanced
- Number of courses: 56
- Training duration: 23 hours and 10 minutes
Course headings
Course prerequisites
Dagger 2
MVI Architecture
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
10.3 GB
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