Complete Blazor (WASM & Server) and ASP.NET API Development is a training course on building a RESTful API in the ASP.NET framework and developing a client-side website with the Blazor framework, published by Udemy Academy. In this training course, various and extensive topics such as Entity Framework, repository pattern, testing and initial setup of RESTful API, development of user side and creation of web application user interface with Blazor framework, installation and setup of Visual Studio development environment ), Microsoft SQL Server database management system and… will be discussed. At the end of this course, you will build a single page web application with the Blazor framework. This application will communicate with the server through an API and will receive the required data and information. During the development process of this application, you will get acquainted with the development of the user authentication system and the creation of a communication bridge with the API through JWT and you will learn valuable skills.
ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform and powerful framework for developing medium and enterprise web applications developed and supported by Microsoft. ASP.NET Core’s internal capabilities and sub-frameworks give developers the ability to design and develop their own APIs. After creating this API, you will use the Blazer framework, which is another Microsoft product, to develop the client side of the application and connect the API to the client. Microsoft’s .NET platform is one of the most reliable platforms for the development of organizational and administrative web applications and has been used by reputable and international companies. The applications developed with .NET are fully scalable and reliable and will meet the needs and challenges of different companies and organizations in the long term.
What you will learn in Complete Blazor (WASM & Server) and ASP.NET API Development course:
- Basics of C# (C#) programming
- Building the user interface and developing the client side of websites with the Blazor framework
- Development of the server side and the client side of the website with C# language and in the framework of Blazer and ASP.NET Core frameworks.
- Building reusable and professional components in the Blazer framework
- Development and programming of zero to one hundred APIs using .NET Core
- Client-side programming with Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly
- RESTful API design and development
- repository pattern and dependency injection
- Using AutoMapper and DTO
- Interacting and retrieving data from the database using Entity Framework Core
- Working with the NuGet package manager
- Project management and different software versions using GitHub online service
- Asynchronous Programming
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Trevoir Williams
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 145
Training duration: 28 hours and 35 minutes
Course topics on 1/2022
Complete Blazor (WASM & Server) and ASP.NET API Development course prerequisites
A computer
The Internet
A Willingness to Learn
Course images
Video introducing the Complete Blazor (WASM & Server) and ASP.NET API Development course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
8.9 GB
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