Download Coursera – Programming with Google Go Specialization

Programming with Google Go Specialization


Programming with Google Go Specialization is a comprehensive training course for Go programming language published by Coursera Specialized Academy. This training series includes three related courses and generally aims to teach you the special features of the Go language. In your first course as a beginner who has experience working with other languages ​​such as Java, C, Python or… You’ll learn how to get started with the Go language, including basics, structure, data types, protocols, RFC, and JSON. In the second course, you will learn functions, methods, and interfaces in the Go language, and learn about topics such as creating functions, object orientation, and prototyping classes. In the third course, you will learn how to program concurrently (concurrency) in GoLang, which includes topics such as writing goroutines and establishing communication between its channels.

GO programming language is a creative open source project created by Google and is used by many programmers today, and if you want to improve your computer programming career and write efficient applications with this language; You can download and watch this course from Downloadly.

What you will learn in the Programming with Google Go Specialization training series:

  • Getting started with the Go language
  • Working with various protocols, RFC and JSON
  • Creating and using methods, types of classes and object orientation
  • Concurrency programming
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Coursera
teacher: Ian Harris
English language
Presenting Institution/University: University of California, Irvine
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 3
Duration of training: assuming 2 hours of work per week, about 3 months

The courses available in the Programming with Google Go Specialization series

Course 1

Getting Started with Go

Course 2

Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go

Course 3

Concurrency in Go

Course prerequisites

Previous experience with programming, preferably using an object-oriented language like C++ or Python, is very helpful. The course does cover a few basic programming concepts to make sure everyone has the same level of background knowledge, but individuals who have never programmed may find it a bit too fast-paced.


Sample video of Programming with Google Go Specialization

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This educational series consists of 3 separate courses.

download link

Course 1 – Getting Started with Go

Download the course – 724 MB

Course 2 – Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go

Download the course – 573 MB

Course 3 – Concurrency in Go

Download the course – 701 MB

Password file(s):

The size of the files

About 2 GB in total

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