Start writing CSS with confidence is a website design and CSS programming course published by famous YouTuber Kevin Powell. Kevin Powell is one of the famous YouTube programmers and instructors who has published valuable content in the field of front-end and website design and his channel has more than 300 thousand followers. CSS is one of the three main foundations of web design and development, along with HTML and JavaScript, and plays an important role in the modern web world. There are many educational resources on the Internet that teach CSS, but each of them has problems and disadvantages and cannot prepare the interested to enter the market. At first glance, CSS seems like a very simple and basic programming language, but with experience, this attractive programming language becomes difficult and exhausting.
Learning basic and practical CSS in website layouts, animations and detailed implementation of design ideas has a significant impact and can completely change your future career. CSS is very sensitive and all its different elements interact with each other in such a way that a small change can have unwanted results and cause problems for the entire website. Too much focus on frameworks and front-end libraries has caused people to not understand CSS properly and consider it an annoying element. Writing inappropriate and non-optimal codes can be very expensive in large dimensions and voluminous projects and disrupt the development process of the entire project. During the educational process of this course, you will face challenges and targeted exercises, each of which contains important points.
What you will learn in Start writing CSS with confidence course:
- In-depth knowledge of CSS programming language
- Deep understanding of CSS challenges and limitations
- Getting to know the common mistakes and errors of programmers
- Building a beautiful three-page website and at the same time responsive
- Page layout and arrangement of various website elements
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Kevin Powell Media
teacher: Kevin Powell
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 177
Training duration: 20 hours and 45 minutes
Course headings Start writing CSS with confidence
Module 1 – The misunderstood fundamentals
Module 2 – The unknown fundamentals
Module 3 – Content vs Layout
Module 4 – Breaking out of tutorial hell
Module 5 – Supercharge your learning
Course images
Introduction video of Start writing CSS with confidence course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 1080p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
8.53 GB
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