Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals is a training course on modern fundamentals of digital product management published by Coursera Online University. A few years ago, the role of product manager was not as colorful as it is today. The old tasks of product managers are to review and evaluate market and customer data and information, create prerequisites, manage the sales and marketing process, communicate with a number of important customers and receive feedback related to different parts and capabilities of a product and… summary Been. Today, we are facing a new phenomenon called digital product management. Digital product managers are at the center of the development of digital software and tools and play a very important role. Digital products have unique challenges, for example, a particular software may experience several different updates and patches in one day.
In the development and management of digital products, working with a lot of data and filtering them and checking the motivation and experiences of product users is very important. Your main task as a product manager is to guide the complex and multi-dimensional development process and create an organized and professional environment for employees and people active in the software development process.
What you will learn in the Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals training course:
- Product/Market Fit
- Product management and production management
- Design Thinking
- Creative channels
- Lean startup
- Modern methods and methods of product management and production management
- Cultivating new ideas for designing and developing creative products
- And …
Course details
- Publisher: Coursera
- English language
- Duration: 11 hours
- Number of training weeks: 4
- teacher: Alex Cowan
- File format: mp4
- Course Level: Introductory
- Providing institution/university: University of Virginia (UVA)
Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals course topics
Week 1
Achieving Focus and #Winning
Week 2
Using Today’s Product Management Methods
Week 3
Exploring a New Product Idea
Week 4
Amplifying an Existing Product
Course images
Course prerequisites
Some familiarity with software development and product management is helpful, but not required.
Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.1 GB
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