Download Django (Python) Web Framework: The Comprehensive Guide (NEW)

Django (Python) Web Framework: The Comprehensive Guide [NEW]


Django (Python) Web Framework: The Comprehensive Guide (NEW) is a comprehensive Django training course published by Yodemy Online Academy. In this comprehensive training course, which is suitable for all people at any level, you will get to know the Django framework. Using this framework enables you to efficiently build, deploy and optimize complex web applications. In this course, you’ll begin your journey with a solid foundation in Django’s core concepts, including its MTV architecture, and quickly move on to the practical development of real-world functional web applications.

In this training course, you will be introduced to topics such as web principles, client-server interactions, Django models and databases, using Django ORM for database operations, user interface development, authentication and authorization, RESTful API integration. You’ll learn about the Django framework, asynchronous task management, using WebSockets for real-time functionality, deployment and testing, and more. This course is recommended for aspiring web developers, Python programmers into web development, entrepreneurs and hobbyists, and freelancers and consultants. After completing this training course, you will be familiar with the Django framework and will be able to use its full potential in your projects.

What you will learn in Django (Python) Web Framework: The Comprehensive Guide (NEW) course:

  • Using Django applications in production
  • Securing web applications through authentication and authorization
  • Create and process forms
  • Designing responsive templates and managing static resources
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Paulo Dichone Software Engineer, AWS Cloud Practitioner & Instructor
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 137
Training duration: 13 hours and 50 minutes

Course headings

Course prerequisites

Basic knowledge of programming (any language, preferably Python).
Understanding of HTML and CSS.
A computer with internet access, capable of running development software and tools.
A commitment to invest time in learning and applying new skills.

Course images

Django (Python) Web Framework: The Comprehensive Guide (NEW)

Django (Python) Web Framework course introduction video: The Comprehensive Guide (NEW)

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 314 MB

Password file(s):


8.3 GB

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