Download Frontend Masters – Exploring Service Workers 2019-7 + Subtitles

Exploring Service Workers


Exploring Service Workers training course to familiarize with Service Workers in designing applications PWA Is . Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs for short, is an attempt to build web-based applications that have the ability to use all the capabilities and processing power of a device, just like its native applications; And Service Workers are the main core of building these types of applications. With the help of this interface, applications can operate beyond the browser and support features such as offline availability or notifications. This training course will introduce you to Service Workers, its uses and how to build and implement its various features.

What do you learn:

  • Web Workers: Building, communicating and transferring data
  • Service Workers: use cases, construction, offline status detection, message management
  • Push Notifications
  • Cache management in Service Workers and offline mode support
  • Routing in Service Workers: Rerouting registered users, offline users, and logging in and out
  • Improving user experience (UX)
  • And …

Specifications of Exploring Service Workers:

  • Publisher: Frontend Masters
  • teacher : Kyle Simpson
  • English language
  • Number of lessons: 39 lessons in 8 sections
  • Duration: 4h 17m


Table of Contents

00:00:00 – 00:12:26

The Case for Service Workers
00:12:27 – 00:19:26

Web Workers

Introduction to Web Workers
00:19:27 – 00:29:47

Creating a Worker
00:29:48 – 00:36:34

Communicating with a Worker
00:36:35 – 00:40:17

Data Transfer Solutions
00:40:18 – 00:44:16

Receiving Data from a Worker
00:44:17 – 00:52:35

Web Workers Q&A
00:52:36 – 00:54:48

Service Workers

Service Worker Use Cases
00:54:49 – 01:00:52

Use Case Brainstorming
01:00:53 – 01:12:55

Push Notifications
01:12:56 – 01:19:53
01:19:54 – 01:20:56

Service Worker Project

Following along
01:20:57 – 01:24:49

Service Worker Project
01:24:50 – 01:30:29

Detecting Offline Status
01:30:30 – 01:37:39

Register & Install a Service Worker
01:37:40 – 01:42:12

Service Worker Access
01:42:13 – 01:51:24

Creating a Service Worker
01:51:25 – 02:01:30

Keeping the Service Worker Alive
02:01:31 – 02:03:47

Inspecting Service Worker Lifecycle
02:03:48 – 02:13:59

Message Handling in the Client
02:14:00 – 02:23:35

Message Handling in the Service Worker
02:23:36 – 02:35:00

Service Worker Cache

Specifying Cached URLs
02:35:01 – 02:40:55

Caching Q&A
02:40:56 – 02:43:48

Adding to Service Worker Cache
02:43:49 – 02:51:31

Service Worker Cache Demo
02:51:32 – 02:57:31

Clearing Service Worker Cache
02:57:32 – 03:09:16

Service Worker Routing

Routing Cache Fallback Offline
03:09:17 – 03:16:56

Caching Strategies
03:16:57 – 03:22:07

Implementing a Caching Strategy
03:22:08 – 03:27:48

Offline Routing Demo
03:27:49 – 03:33:48

Offline Routing Q&A
03:33:49 – 03:35:37

Logged Out Routing Walkthrough
03:35:38 – 03:47:38

Authentication Aware Routing
03:47:39 – 03:54:44

Login & Logout Routing
03:54:45 – 04:00:01

Authentication Aware Routing Demo
04:00:02 – 04:04:51

Improving UX

Proactive Background Caching
04:04:52 – 04:10:27

Storing Form Data in IndexDB
04:10:28 – 04:15:31

Wrapping up

Wrapping up
04:15:32 – 04:17:27



Sample video

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Subtitle: English (separately)

Quality: 720p

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Download Frontend Masters – Exploring Service Workers 2019-7 Subtitles

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