Download Frontend Masters – Web Performance Fundamentals 2021-3 + Subtitles

Web Performance Fundamentals


Web Performance Fundamentals is a training course for improving the performance and increasing the speed of websites and web applications, published by Front and Masters Academy. Optimizing websites and increasing its speed is one of your most important skills as a website developer. Your websites and applications should be optimized so that users with low internet speed and old systems can use your website. Technology advances rapidly, but a wide range of your users are using old computers and browsers. Poor users make up more than half of your total users, and not optimizing your website and meeting its criteria means losing a wide range of potential customers.

There are many techniques and criteria to improve website performance, which you will learn about in this training course. The waiting time or initial execution time of the website is one of the most important measures of website performance. In big businesses like Amazon, a few hundredths of a second reduction in website loading time can bring millions of dollars to the company. Large and advanced website development companies usually consider a dedicated framework in order to improve the performance and increase the speed of websites for their developers and employees. Website design and development in a specific functional framework can help to improve the user experience of customers and increase their number day by day.

What you will learn in the Web Performance Fundamentals course:

  • Scientific criteria for website performance and speed analysis
  • Various techniques for developing high performance and optimized websites
  • Working with Google Lighthouse
  • Accurate measurement methods for website performance and speed
  • Optimizing images and increasing their loading speed

Course details

Publisher: Front & Masters
teacher: Todd Gardner
English language
Training level: advanced
Number of courses: 33
Training duration: 3 hours and 50 minutes

Web Performance Fundamentals course topics



Elements of Performance

Why Care About Web Performance

Perceived Performance Exercise

Perceived Performance Solution

Psychology of Waiting

Web Vitals


Lighthouse Exercise

Lighthouse Solution


Where to Measure Performance

Chrome User Experience Exercise

Chrome User Experience Solution

Interpreting Field Data

Performance Q&A

Improving performance

Web Business Objectives

Course Example Website

Performance API

Performance API Practice

Performance Analytics

Optimizing Metrics

Improving FCP Practice

Improving LCP

Defer & Lazy Load Practice

Responsive Images Practice

HTTP2, Caching, and Pre-Loading Practice

Loading Images Q&A

Improving CLS Practice

Improving First Input Delay

Data Beyond Spreadsheets


Performance Panel Q&A

Performance Culture

Goals & Performance Budget

Performance Scenarios

Wrapping up

Wrapping up

Course images

Web Performance Fundamentals course introduction video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download Frontend Masters – Web Performance Fundamentals 2021-3 + Subtitles

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0.97 GB

4.3/5 – (2240 ​​points)

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