guthrie Arcv2CAD is one of the simple and efficient tools of Guthrie company, which is used to convert SHP format to dwg and DXF formats. shp format is one of the most famous information formats for software related to geographic information system (gis). This format is termed as shape, and if you search on the internet, you can get many maps with this format. What this small program does is to convert this format to the formats used in drawing software such as AutoCAD. AutoCAD and other standard drawing software open dwg and dxf format files. Arcv2CAD is used to open shape files in this program. This program does this work with high accuracy and the final output is opened without any errors in related software. During the conversion, you have various capabilities at your disposal. There is a window through which you tell the program which parts to convert, you determine how much and how much to convert, and finally, with one click, the final output will be saved in the location you specified.
Other Gutrhie tools including CAD2Shape, dwgConvert, ShxConvert and HPGL2CAD are also provided in this package.
Features and features of Guthrie Arcv2CAD:
- Display the complete specifications of the shape file, including the x, y, z range coordinates, and the number of records in it
- The possibility of changing the features of the shape before conversion, for example, changing the style, width and height, etc.
- Maintaining height and position data in three dimensions on the Z axis
- It has a command line version to perform batch operations
- Completely independent and without the need for ArcGis, ArcView, ArcMap and…
- The possibility of outputting the map guide
- Support for all 3D shapes
- Ability to import CSV and DBF data sources
- The possibility of extruding two-dimensional shapes into three-dimensional objects
- Online guide
- Compatible with all gis software
- Support for the latest AutoCAD versions
- And …
required system
Guthrie Operating Systems: Windows
2003 / 2008 / 2012 / Citrix / XP/XP64 / Vista/Vista64/ Win7/Win7x64 / Win8/Win8x64
Installation guide
Most versions are activated using a keygen.
This collection was installed and successfully activated in Windows 10 64-bit on 1 December 2017.
download link
Download Guthrie dwgConvert 2020 A.46
Download Guthrie CAD2Shape 8 A.26
Download Guthrie Arcv2CAD 8 A.28
Download Guthrie HPGL2CAD 2020 A.10
Arcv2CAD 7.0 A.41
CAD2Shape 7.0 A.41
dwgConvert 8.0 A.17
ShxConvert 4.0 A.20
HPGL2CAD 4.0 A.19
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
68 MB
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