Ionic Mobile App Builder or IMA for short is a web-based tool that helps you build applications Mobile Android helps. The components use the Ionic framework, Cordova along with the Ionic Material plugins. Data storage is WordPress REST-API and it is also able to create WordPress plugin automatically. In addition, you can use other storage media such as Firebase, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, RSS and other content management systems.
Features and features of Ionic Mobile App Builder:
- Dashboard: project settings (program name, program start…), clone, download and delete project and data
- Page settings: code editor and visual editor using TinyMCE, possibility to hide reload and…
- Tables (MYSQL database): custom message to handle error message, custom HTTP Header, template for information list
- And…
required system
– Apache / XAMPP / WAMPP / LAMPP (localhost) or cPanel/Hosting (Very suitable to use XAMPP + PHP5.6.x)
– PHP 5.6.x or latest
– Disk Free Space 100MB
– zlib extension or php zip, gd, ImageMagick
Compiler and Publish to market (outside of our service)
– Android SDK for android or Xcode (Required Mac Hardware) for IOS
– JDK8
– NodeJS and NPM
– Ionic or Cordova
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file.
download link
Download Ionic_Mobile_App_Builder_v18.12.10_NULLED
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
21 MB
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