ISO 27001:2022 Implementation Step by Step with Templates is the ISO 27001:2022 standard implementation training course published by Udemy Online Academy. In this training course, you will get acquainted with the ISO 27001:2022 standard and learn how to successfully implement it. You will get to know the ISO 27001:2022 standard well in this training course. ISO/IEC 27001 is a recognized standard that provides requirements for an information security management system (ISMS). Their use enables organizations of all types to manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties. Most organizations have a number of information security controls in place.
However, without an information security management system (ISMS), controls are somewhat disjointed. Operational security controls typically specifically address certain aspects of IT or data security. In general, non-IT information assets (such as administrative work and proprietary knowledge) are less protected. Additionally, business continuity planning and physical security may be managed entirely independently of IT or information security, while HR practices may give little reference to the need to define and assign information security roles and responsibilities. throughout the organization. This training course is recommended to IT managers and all those who are interested in implementing the ISO 27001:2022 standard.
What you will learn in the ISO 27001:2022 Implementation Step by Step with Templates training course:
- A practical, step-by-step approach to implementing ISO 27001
- Concepts and principles of the ISO 27001:2022 standard
- ISO 27001 implementation with templates
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Dr. Amar Massoud
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses:
Training duration: 2 hours and 14 minutes
Headlines of the course on 2/2024
Course prerequisites
No prerequisites
Course images
ISO 27001:2022 Implementation Step by Step with Templates introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
470 MB
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