ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety management system is the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management standard training course published by Yodmi Online Academy. In this valuable training course, you will learn about the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management standard. This standard was developed in March 2018 and its purpose is to create a safe work environment for employees to be safe from physical injuries and various diseases. In this training course, you will learn about topics such as analyzing your context, assessing risk and creating opportunities, planning, pre-qualifying and evaluating your providers, managing non-conformities and taking corrective actions, writing health and safety guidelines and procedures, and You will get to know other things.
In this training course, you will be faced with a project that will help you learn the given topics better. This training course will help you make significant progress and achieve ISO 45001 certification. This training course is recommended for safety managers, HSE engineers, management systems consultants, HSE specialists, trainers involved in OHS and quality managers.
What you will learn in the ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety management system training course:
- Content of ISO 45001:2018
- Auditing a company based on ISO 45001:2018
- Occupational health and safety
- Non-conformance management
- Writing safety rules
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Occam Consult
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 31
Training duration: 1 hour and 12 minutes
Course topics on 1/2024
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge of OHS
Course images
ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety management system introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
283 MB
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