Learn Bioinformatics From Scratch (Theory & Practical) is a bioinformatics and biological data training course published by Udemy Online Academy. By using computational techniques and tools to analyze, interpret, and integrate biological data, bioinformatics plays an important role in advancing our understanding of biological systems, processes, and diseases. Combining the expertise of biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics, bioinformatics enables researchers to address complex biological questions, accelerate scientific discovery, and develop innovative solutions for health care, agriculture, biotechnology, and environmental science. In this training course, you will become familiar with bioinformatics and biological data and understand the potential of each of them.
This training course is a combination of theory and practical projects, which allows you to implement what you learn in the theoretical training content in practical projects and gain practical experience in this field. By watching this training course, you will have a different perspective on bioinformatics and biological data. This course is recommended for beginners in life sciences and beginners in data science who are interested in biological data. By the end of this training course, you will be fully familiar with bioinformatics and biological data, and you will be able to use computational techniques and tools to analyze biological data.
What you will learn in the Learn Bioinformatics From Scratch (Theory & Practical) training course:
- Basic theory and practical demonstration of bioinformatics tools
- Prediction of 3D structure using algorithm
- Prediction of the secondary structure of globular and transmembrane proteins
- Phylogenetic tree
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Muhammad Dujana
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 95
Training duration: 6 hours and 39 minutes
Headlines of the course on 2/2024
Prerequisites of the course Learn Bioinformatics From Scratch (Theory & Practical)
In online teaching, it’s always hard to engage the students. Therefore, we have designed this course keeping the psychology of students in view. Usually, students start to lose their interest when they are stuck in a complex concept that’s why we tried to move from simple to complex easily and understandably.
You need to know about the very basics of biological macro-molecules. Don’t worry if you don’t know the details. For instance, if you just heard the name of DNA, RNA and Proteins and have a basic idea about their roles in life then it’s enough for you (School Level Information). You are welcome to this course. In every module of this course, we will start from scratch. We will assume that you know nothing about DNA, RNA, and Proteins except their names. We hope this technique will make it easy for you to understand the hardcore concepts of bioinformatics in a better way.
This is no coding in this course. Most of the tools which we will use that are available online for free without signing up
Course images
Video introducing the course Learn Bioinformatics From Scratch (Theory & Practical)
Installation guide
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
3.2 GB
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