Download LinkedIn – Building a Cloud Security Program 2024-4

Building a Cloud Security Program

Building a Cloud Security Program course. In today’s world, the cloud is considered one of the most important developments in technology, and we have seen its exponential growth during the outbreak of the Corona virus. In this course, Ashish Rajan, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and cloud security expert, teaches you how to properly deal with cloud security risks and challenges. In this course you:

  • You will gain a deep understanding of the cloud landscape.
  • You’ll learn best practices for cloud security program success.
  • You will learn the fundamental components of an effective cloud security program.
  • You’ll also get practical, actionable guidance on how to get started with your cloud security program.

What you will learn:

  • Key concepts of cloud security: In this section, you will learn about the fundamental concepts of cloud security, such as cloud deployment models, cloud threats and vulnerabilities, and cloud security controls.
  • Cloud Security Best Practices: In this section, you will learn cloud security best practices to protect your data, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud.
  • Cloud Security Program: In this section, you will learn about the fundamental components of an effective cloud security program, including risk management, identity and access, data protection, application protection, and security monitoring.
  • Starting a Cloud Security Program: In this section, you’ll get practical, actionable guidance on how to get started with your cloud security program.

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