Download Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor

Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor


Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor is a project-based training course for the full stack development of iOS applications with SwiftUI and Vapor, published by Udemy Academy. This training course is completely project-oriented and contains a series of different topics, the most important of which are SwiftUI framework, Postgres database management system, authentication system development and user access level management, and final implementation. The application pointed to cloud spaces. At the end of this course, you are expected to be able to design scalable, secure and advanced applications. Among the most important skills taught in this course, we can mention the creation of a graphical user interface with SwiftUI, server side development of iOS applications with Swift, data management and application databases with Postgres.

What you will learn in the Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor training course:

  • Build a graphical user interface with SwiftUI framework
  • Server side development of applications Swift With Vapor
  • Integration and coordination Vapor With Postgres
  • Creation of authentication system and dedicated access level management
  • Creating exclusive packages Swift To share different models
  • Installing and setting up a backend server with Vapor
  • Management of paths and routes on the server side
  • Responding to HTTP requests
  • Working with Vapor framework middleware to process requests and edit data
  • Storing data in the database and calling them when necessary
  • Design and implementation of authentication system and access level management with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Safe management of career sessions and log-in and log-out requests to different accounts
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Mohammad Azam
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 103
Training duration: 11 hours and 11 minutes

Course topics on 6/2023

Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor course prerequisites

Basic programming knowledge: A fundamental understanding of programming concepts and syntax is beneficial. Familiarity with a programming language, preferably Swift, will be helpful in grasping the concepts covered in the course.
Swift knowledge: Some familiarity with the Swift programming language is recommended. Understanding Swift syntax, data types, variables, functions, and basic concepts will enable smoother comprehension of the course material.
macOS or iOS development environment: Since the course focuses on SwiftUI and Vapor, it is recommended to have access to a macOS or iOS development environment. This will allow you to practice and run the code examples provided in the course.
Xcode: Familiarity with Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS and iOS development, is beneficial. Understanding how to navigate and work with Xcode will help you follow along with the course material effectively.

Course images

Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor

Introduction video of Mastering Full Stack iOS Development Using SwiftUI and Vapor course

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 1.84 GB

Password file(s):


5.84 GB

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