Mastering webRTC – real-time video and screen-share is a training course on sharing video and multimedia files online and instantly with webRTC (webRTC) published by Udemy Online Academy. In this course, you will learn how to make video calls and transfer video content with JavaScript. The first parts of the project are exclusively front-end and are understandable for the audience, but the communication parts of the project require Node.js and Socket.IO.
webRTC is a very advanced and useful tool because it allows you to share your microphone, camera and screen directly with another browser through a network socket. This is not a short and quick tutorial about webRTC, but it has been tried to teach you many valuable topics.
This course will help you become a successful developer and be able to understand and analyze the topics, not just learn a few tips and tricks about webRTC. The front-end part of this training course includes accessing the microphone and camera in the browser, taking a picture of the screen for sharing and recording video and audio, etc. In the Back-End section, where you need Node.js and Socket.IO, we refer to topics such as creating an offer and a response, setting the RTCSession description, the signaling process, etc. will be.
What you will learn in the Mastering webRTC – real-time video and screen-share training course:
- Connecting audio and video of two or more computers to each other
- Setting up a signaling server
- Organize the written code
- How to integrate webRTC with React applications
- Building video chat applications with webRTC
- Making group video chats with PeerJS
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Robert Bunch
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 92
Training duration: 12 hours and 35 minutes
Course topics on 1/2024
Prerequisites of the course Mastering webRTC – real-time video and screen-share
React basic knowledge
JavaScript basic knowledge
Course images
Mastering webRTC course introduction video – real-time video and screen-share
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
The version of 2023/10 compared to 2023/7 has increased the number of 23 lessons and the duration of 4 hours and 13 minutes.
download link
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
8.92 GB
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