Microsoft SQL Server software is a relational database management system (RDBMS for short) which is a type of DBMS (database management system for short) provided and developed by Microsoft. This tool provides a complete environment. To store, manage and retrieve data and information based on the request, which follows the service provider/server model; in this case, the client requests are sent to the server and analyzed by it; further, the processes The requirement is performed on the stored information in the databases and finally, the results will be sent to the client.The initial version of this program was presented in 1989 and was widely used by programmers from the 2000 version.
Features and features of the software Microsoft SQL Server :
– Storage and management of all types of databases and databases
– Database management with two methods OLTP (abbreviation of OnLine Transaction Processing) and OLAP (abbreviation of OnLine Analytical Processing)
– Ability to work with very large databases
– Very high security of storage and recovery
– Making a backup copy easily and with a small volume
– Possibility of FullText search to increase speed
– Full compatibility with cloud services
– The ability to access databases by thousands of users at the same time
– Complete and advanced reporting capability
The tips of this collection :
– The installed versions are the original version of Microsoft and are presented without the slightest manipulation and also do not need to be activated.
– This software is offered in different editions, of which we present the most complete version, the Enterprise version. Compare the features of different versions from Here look.
– The 2014 and 2012 versions are integrated with the service pack and for the 2008R2 version, the latest service pack is placed separately.
– The most complete version was 2008R2, the DataCenter edition, but due to the popularity of the Enterprise edition, this version has been placed; From the 2012 version, the features of the DataCenter version were added to the Enterprise version.
required system
For the 2022 edition:
System requirements version 2022 in Here look.
For the 2017 version:
OS x64: Windows 8, 8.1, 10; Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016
for editions Web Edition, Enterprise Edition: Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016
Versions of Windows 7 and Server 2008, 2008 R2 are not supported!
Hard disk: at least 6 GB of free disk space
RAM: Express releases 1 GB, all other editions 4 GB and above
Processor speed: 2.0 GHz and higher
Processor Type:
x64 processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support
For the 2016 version:
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
2014 version:
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows 7 SP1
Windows Server 2008 SP2
System requirements for the 2012 version Here look.
System requirements for the 2008 version Here look.
Installation guide
In most versions, the serial is integrated with the software installer and therefore does not need to be activated and is included in the rest of the serial.
Except for the last version, the rest of the versions are only the most complete version, the Enterprise version; About the difference in the revisions in the 2017 version Here And about the difference in features in different versions Here see.
The Enterprise Core edition is limited to 20 CPU cores, while the Enterprise edition is unlimited.
The 2019 version does not require activation.
2017 edition series:
Enterprise Core
Detailed specifications of versions:
SQL Server 2019 Enterprise (x64) – DVD
MSDN Name: en_sql_server_2019_enterprise_x64_dvd_46f0ba38.iso
VLSC Name: SW_DVD9_SQL_Svr_Enterprise_Edtn_2019Nov2019_64Bit_English_MLF_X22-18972.ISO
CRC-32: 79f0522d
MD5: 2b63b7cf50f88005b8db60b1f28fe4e3
SHA-1: 8c65e2eed3c9404d8410ed296cce98d12fa35c69
SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Core (x64) – DVD
MSDN Name: en_sql_server_2019_enterprise_core_x64_dvd_46f0ba38.iso
VLSC Name: SW_DVD9_NTRL_SQL_Svr_Ent_Core_2019Nov2019_64Bit_English_OEM_VL_X22-18950.ISO
SHA-1: 2f7575bd3a7ac58c65fcbaddb439a7204d6d722b
SQL Server 2019 Standard (x64) – DVD
MSDN Name: en_sql_server_2019_standard_x64_dvd_46f0ba38.iso
VLSC Name: SW_DVD9_NTRL_SQL_Svr_Standard_Edtn_2019Nov2019_64Bit_English_OEM_VL_X22-18928.ISO
SHA-1: 0928c2c2aa385c6df4be9d4650e666a4ea5e803d
SQL Server 2019 Web (x64) – DVD
MSDN Name: en_sql_server_2019_web_x64_dvd_46f0ba38.iso
VLSC Name: SW_DVD9_SQL_Svr_Web_Ed_2019Nov2019_64Bit_English_MLF_X22-18994.ISO
SHA-1: 0ab9780adc41289136c6b41fa0fb21421275fc5d
SQL Server 2019 Developer (x64) – DVD
File Name: en_sql_server_2019_developer_x64_dvd_a2acad59.iso
SHA-1: 794cc198d594fa45f0cc03309629e7f8da7ac486
The detailed specifications of all 2022 versions are in the Info file in the folder of that version.
download link
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 x64
Download Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition 2022 MSDN x64
Download Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Core Edition 2022 OEM VLSC x64
Download Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2022 MLF VLSC x64
Download Microsoft SQL Server Express&LocalDB 2022 MSDN x64
Download Microsoft SQL_Server Express Edition with Advanced Services 2022 MSDN x64
Download Microsoft SQL_Server Standard Edition 2022 OEM VLSC x64
Download Microsoft SQL_Server Web Edition 2022 MLF VLSC x64
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 x64
Download Microsoft_SQL Server Enterprise 2019 MSDN VLSC x64
Download Microsoft_SQL Server All Editions with SVF File 2019 MSDN VLSC x64
Download Microsoft SQL Server Express & LocalDB 2019 MSDN
Download Microsoft SQL_Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.6
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 x64
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise 2016 SP2 x64
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition with SP3 x86
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition with SP3 x64
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2012 SP3 x86
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2012 SP3 x64
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2008 R2 SP3
Basic version
Service pack 3
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
Latest version: 1.68 GB
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