The Full Stack Mobile Developer, the full stack mobile developer training course is published by notJust Dev Academy. The best way to learn a new technology is project-based learning. For this reason, the focus of this course will be on practical experience. You will create 2 projects. The first project will be a Duolingo clone. By building it, you will strengthen your React Native and Javascript skills. This is a good start for beginners. With the knowledge and confidence gained from the first project, we will build the deepest, ultimate and most complete Instagram clone. I am confident that if you follow the course content and assignments, you will level up as a full-fledged mobile developer and be able to build an app from start to finish. You will also learn how to version your project with Git and manage it on GitHub. Learn how AWS Amplify works and how to use the power of AWS to quickly build mobile apps.
What you will learn
- Creation of 2 portfolio-ready mobile applications: Instagram and Duolingo
- Be sure to build any mobile app from scratch
- Proficiency in cross-platform mobile development for iOS and Android with React Native
- Set up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds and brings your app to market
- Building full-stack applications with AWS Amplify
- Setting up an authentication system with email and social services such as Google and Facebook.
- Design and implementation of complex database systems and GrapqhQL APIs
- Design and implementation of an activity feed system.
- Building highly scalable, secure and cost-effective backend systems using AWS based on industry best practices
Who is this course suitable for?
- You are new to cross-platform mobile development
- You are already an experienced developer in other fields (web, software, front and back) and want to add mobile development skills to your portfolio.
- You have experience working with React Native, but you don’t have the skills to build full-fledged projects.
- You want to improve your backend skills
Details of The Full Stack Mobile Developer course
- Publisher: Notjust.dev
- teacher : Vadim Savin
- English language
- Education level: all levels
- Number of courses: 121
- Training duration: 40 hours and 45 minutes
Chapters of The Full Stack Mobile Developer course
The Full Stack Mobile Developer
# Initialize the React Native project
# Theme colors fonts
# Vector icons
# Git
# Post component UI
# Custom component
# Props type safe
# Feed List
# Status for Likes
# Image Carousel
# Video Post
# Comments Page
# Comment input
# Profile Page
# Edit Profile UI
# React Form Hook
# Image picker
# Post upload Camera
# Overview and Setup
# Stack Navigator
# Moving Between Screens
# Bottom Tab Navigator
# Other Screens
# Type checking with TypeScript
# Deep linking
# Top Tab Bar
# What’s AWS Amplify
# Sign up for an AWS account
# Configure Amplify CLI
# Create the App Backend
# Connect our app to the backend
#Authentication 101
# Basic authentication
# Custom Authentication screens
# Social providers prerequisite
# Social providers
# In app browser
# Lambda Triggers
# Data Modeling
# Create users on signup
# Setup Apollo client
# Users CRUD
# User unique username
# Posts CRUD
# Likes CRUD
# Comments CRUD
# Sorting
# Pagination
# Real Time Data
# Authorization
# Setup storage
# Uploading Images
# Uploading carousels
# Uploading videos
# Profile picture
# Deleting files
# Intro
# Prepare the assets
# Amplify production environment
# Build your app with EAS
# Sign up for Google Dev account
# Setup Play Market
# Deploy to Play Market
# Sign up for the Apple Developer Account
# Setup Appstore
# CI CD Pipeline
# Intro
# News Feed Systems Design
# Follow system
# Display followers and followers
# Followers count
# News Feed Implementation
# Posts from newly removed followers
# Getting started with Notifications
# In app notifications
# New Read Notifications
# Setup React Native Firebase
# Cloud Messaging
# Manage Notifications
# User generated notifications
React Native 101
# Expo and React Native CLI
# Windows Terminal
# Git
# NodeJS
# Expo
# Visual Studio Code
# React Native CLI
# iTerm Homebrew Git
# Node npm
#Expo CLI
# Visual Studio Code
# Xcode
# React Native CLI
# What are we going to build
# Initialize the project
# Debugging
# Your first component
# What’s JSX
# Core components View Text Image ScrollView TextInput
# Styling in React Native
# Multiple choice questions UI
# Custom components
# Props
# PropTypes
# State
# Button Component
# Quiz logic
# Open-ended questions
# Progress bar component
# Live system
# Data persistence with AsyncStorage
# Assignment
# Assignment Solution
Course prerequisites
- Fundamentals of javascript and CSS and HTML
Sample video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 1080p
Version 2023/6 has increased the number of 8 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 6 minutes compared to 2023/2. (This update is only in The Full Stack Mobile Developer section.)
download link
The Full Stack Mobile Developer
101 React Native
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
11.1 / 1.28 GB
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