paxCompiler is an embeddable compiler for work and Programming Object Pascal, Basic languages and Javascript are used. This program creates codes compatible with Intel processors (IA-32/64 architecture). It is always possible to use this compiler as a scripting engine. This program can be embedded in the host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables. It is possible to read and modify compiled scripts, read script-defined functions, save or load scripts in the stream.
At first, this software was written by Borland Delphi as Delphi components. TPaxCompiler, TPaxProgram, and TPaxPascalLanguage are all Delphi components that allow you to embed paxCompiler into a Delphi, Kylix, or Borland C++ Builder application. Therefore, you can directly customize the program and make the desired changes without needing to recompile it. paxCompiler, executed as paxcompilerlib.dll, can be used to script Microsoft Visual C++ programs. TPaxCompilerDebugger and TPaxCompilerExplorer provide debugger components (breakpoints, call stack, watches, step over, trace into, run to cursor, pause). This software is thread safe. In the next versions of this program, it is expected that the supported operating systems will be expanded and Mac OS, iOS, Android will also be covered by the program.
PaxCompiler Features and Features:
- Microsoft Visual C++ script support
- The possibility of personalizing this software with Delphi, Kylix or Borland C++ Builder application
- The presence of a powerful debugger to fix program bugs
- Can be used for programs written in Microsoft Visual C++ language
required system
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, WindowsVista, Linux.
Installation guide
Programmers know better.
download link
Download PaxCompiler_4.2 for D10.3 Rio
Download PaxCompiler_4.2 XE10.2 x86 x64 Full Source
Download PaxCompiler_4.2 D6-XE7 x86 x64 Full Source
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
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